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31.This photo of mine was taken     stood the famous high tower.

    A.which         B.in which        C.where         D.there


30.My money     . I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.

    A.has run out                     B.is running out

    C.has been run out                  D.is being run out


29.-You didn’t hear me until now?

    -No. I     when you came in.

    A.can’t be awake                   B.must have been sleeping soundly

    C.couldn’t be awake                                D.must have slept soundly


28.I lost my way in the complete darkness and ,     matters worse, it began to rain.

    A.made          B.having made     C.making        D.to make


27.-Shall Mary come and play computer games?

    -No,     she has finished her homework.

    A.when          B.if             C.unless         D.once


26.The customs in the United States are very much like     .

    A.England        B.English ones     C.that in England   D.those in England


25.     a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.

    A.It existed       B.There existed    C.There had       D.It had


24.I don’t know what kind of     person they are of ,but I know     persons of      

    same kind would come together.

    A.the ; the; the     B.the ;/ ;a        C./; / the         D./ ; the; a


23.“Who Moved My Cheese?”,     is a book     sells well ,is written by Spencer Johnson.

    A.that ; which     B.which; what     C.which ;which    D.that;that


22.You     television .Why not do something more active?

    A.always watch                    B.are always watching

    C.have always watched               D.have always been watching

