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25. A. hurt      B. encouraged    C. attracted    D. shocked


24. A. serious     B. difficult    C. regular     D. convenient


23. A. a question   B. a reason     C. an opinion    D. an idea


22. A. angry      B. hungry      C. frightened    D. thirsty


21. A. proudly     B. respectfully   C. patiently    D. curiously


36.B  37.C  38.A 39.B  40.D  41.A  42.B43.D  44.C  45.A  46.A  47.C  48.D  49.B 50.A  51.B  52.C  53.D  54.A  55.D 


英   语

One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited  21  for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became  22 . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had  23 . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not  24  in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that  25  even him.

He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a  26  behind the desk in the booth. “ 27  you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously  28  someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then  29  his office in Morrison Building,  30  that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good  31 ! He sat down with a smile.

His wife  32  those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married …

How are you with  33 ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are  34 . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.

Patience is an important  35  of a happy and rewarding life.  36 , some things are worth waiting for.  37  presents many opportunities for wait training.

We can hate waiting,  38  it or even get good at it! But one thing is  39  --- we cannot avoid it. How is your  40  coming along?


40.A.person      B.wornan      C.boy      D.girl

答案:21-25  C B A B D  26-30  D B A C C 

31-35  B A C D A  36-40  C BD A C


英  语

One day,Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场) house in a large valley. 36  seemed to be all right,yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy.The wind had picked up,and angry,dark clouds  37  across the sky. He could smell the rain coming.And it did. 38 ,the lightning flashed through the clouds,nearly  39  Raul.The thunder(雷声) was so loud that he buried his  40  in his hands and rubbed his eyes.Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄声).He  41 .There before him stood a tall, white  42 . An old man stared down at him from its back.    “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul.“My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered  43 .“Come with me.”    Raul followed on his horse. A 44 feeling came over him.All  45  them the rain was pouring down,  46  not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be  47  back toward Raul’s home.Raul lost track of time.Then all at once he found  48  at the ranch gate.The old man turned his horse,  49  his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were  50 .    Raul’s father ran out across the yard  to  51  him.“we have been  52  sick about you. Are you okay?Hurry.Let’s get in out of the  53  .”    “Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”    “Can’t say I … wait. I  54  my great-grandfather used to tell storied about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was  55  by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?” 36. A.Something      B.Everything     C.Anything     D.Nothing 37.A.dropped       B.fell         C.rolled     D.covered 38.A.Suddenly       B.Strongly      C.Quickly    D.Hardly 39.A.beating        B.blinding      C.burning     D.touching 40.A.nose         B.hair        C.neck      D.head 41.A.looked up       B.woke up      C.lay down    D.sat down 42.A.tiger         B.horse       C.lion       D.elephant 43.A.lazily         B.angrily      C.coldly      D.slowly 44.A.natural        on      C.strange    D.bad 45.A.around        B.beside       C.through     D.above 46.A.yet          B.for         C.so       D.or 47.A.walking        B.leading       C.heading     D.returning 48.A.them         B.themselves      C.him       D.himself 49.A.shook         B.waved       C.held      D.took 50.A.gone         B.left        C.followed    D.lost 51.A.see         B.meet        C.beat      D.ask 52.A.waited        B.thought       C.worried     D.excited 53.A.yard         B.wind         C.grass     D.rain 54.A.believe       sider       C.doubt     D.forget 55.A.defeated       B.caught        C.damaged    D.struck


39.A.spoke of      B.said       C.heard of    D.noticed


38.A.year       B.month      C.time     D.term


37.A.offered      B.chosen      C.told      D.called

