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27. Each question should take 20 minutes, so ___________ your time accordingly.

   A. save       B. budget        C. control       D. spend


26. This G8 summit, ___________ arguments and quarrels, ended unhappily, reaching no agreement.

A. filled with    B. covered with     C. full of      D. complete with


25. Your friend Jimmy is coming after dinner tonight. Why not ___________ a note on his desk?

A. draw      B. throw         C. drop       D. leave


24. In industrialization it is important to prevent pollution. _________ important is to take measures to check the rise in price.

A. Equally     B. Generally       C. Similarly      D. Namely


23. In many __________ the new version is not as good as the old one.

A. packs      B. aspects        C. sides       D. points


22. This hotel has a very good location. There is a ground _________ of the mountains from here.

   A. sight      B. look         C. view       D. picture


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