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4.  It is high time that you did your homework.


3.  Jimmy had hardly go to the station when the bus left.


2.  This is the first time I have been here.

That was the second time I had been there.


1.  It is several years since I saw her last time.

It was several years since I had saw him.


4.   动词;时态和语态

1)  系动词:get; seem; appear; turn; fall; become; remain; stay; prove; turn out; etc.

2)  情态动词用法: should; shall; may; can; dare; need;

3)  have to; used to; etc. (否定;结构辨析)

4)  各种时态的基本用法(时间状语;语境语气;句型;)

5)  句型中的特定时态


3.   形容词;副词

1)  比较句型


not so…as,


less often than,

the more… the less;

more and more

思考:You can’t learn a foreign language overnight___ you can eat a meal in one mouthful. A. no more than B. any more than C. just as D. as if (解法:not=not; not≠yes)

    The larger vocabulary you have, the easier you will find    English.

     A. learning B. to learn C. it to learn D. when you learn

2)  倍数表达

twice as many (cars) as

twice more than

twice the production of

doubled the score of his opponent.

Many things now cost double what they did a few years ago

3)  比较级表最高

more than any other country;

more than the other countries,

more than any of the other countries;

No one can be more strict than he.

I have never seen a more magnificent scene than this.  

The larger vocabulary you have, the easier you will find it to learn English.

4)  比较词组

   as…as possible,

as… as one can,

as…as anything,

as well as,

and…as well,

so long as,

so far as,

as soon as,

so far,

so as to,

as for,

as a rule,

as a result,

as a matter of fact,

as a whole,

as to; 

more than,

no more than,

no less than,

nothing less than,

other than,

no other than,

rather than,

no sooner …than,

no more, not any more,

no longer, not any longer;


2.   名词;代词;主谓一致

1)  不定代词(复合代词):

指代的单复数: everyone; each; every one; much; most; none; neither; half;

后置修饰语:  that定语从句; 形容词后置; 介词短语; 非谓语形式

可否接of短语: everyone-every one; none-no one;


1)  other; the other; another; others; the others

2)  none; neither; no one; nothing

3)  every; everyone; every one; each; anyone

4)  any; some; something; anything

5)  few; a few; little; a little 

2)  反身代词:

词组; enjoy; devote; accustom; make (…done)-oneself

反身动词(seat; dress; station; locate; hide; devote; adapt; prepare; etc); 

自己的怎么说:one’s own…;  a… of one’s own;

3)  集合名词: group; population; audience; team; family; majority; vocabulary; etc.

        the cattle; the people; the police; clothes;  (pl.)

4)  可数名词与不可数名词: two pieces of paper; a pair of trousers(they; this pair); etc.

       two dollars; ten miles;

5)  就近/远原则: neither nor…;  -----as well as; together with

6)  else:something else; anyone else; who else; who else’s


1.   冠词; 数词

1)  泛指与特指   (fig.1)


2)  序数词和比较级加冠词

never …a better one

a third one=another=the next

the better one of the two

a most important matter

3)  词组辨异

at table-at the table                           

out of question-out of the question

go to the cinema-go to a cinema

a second; a most…

the balance of nature; space; the universe;

the telephone (invention)

the Chinese language

4)  专有名词: The Smiths; at Harold’s; buy a China Daily; a chemist and mathematician; in the 1980s; in his fifties; The United States(America); the Spring Festival; (an art festival)

5)  a + 不可数名词

a good knowledge of English; a science


26.C 原题中的答语Yes暗示考生应选表示肯定意义的a little.A、B项表示否定意义。  27.D it指代前面一句话。因有but,故前后为并列句,不用关系代词(which)只用代词it。  28.C Is everybody here?"都到齐了吗",Is anybody here?"这里有人吗?"B项some body可用在表示征求对方意见,并希望得到对方肯定回答的问句里。D项不符原题句意。  29.B 参看10、14题。  30.B 参看16、19题。  31.D it是形式主语,that从句是真正主语。如果fact前有the修饰,就可选B或C项,that引导同位语从句。  32.C but是关键词,表转折,该句意为"他们非常疲劳,但没有一个人愿意停下来休息一会儿。"  33.D one指代one of the glasses,且each一词是信息词。该句意思是:"我希望有足够的玻璃杯,以便每位客人有一个"。  34.B one day表示"某一天",可用在一般过去时,当它用在将来时的句中时,可与some day互换。another day指另一天。原题中的It's all the same to me和you like是信息句,可暗示考生,只能选any day,即"你喜欢定在哪天都行,或随便哪一天都行。"  35.A themselves;是they的反身代词。  36.A 从上文"我同意你说的大部分,"可知,下文应填everything表示部分否定。B项填入后该句为全否定。C项不用在否定句中。D项填入后,该句成为肯定句。故B、C、D项是错误的。  37.C 从上文"Sarah已经读了许多美国作家写的故事",可知,下文是"她现在想读一些由别的国家的作家写的故事"。A项中any用在肯定句中表示"任何一个",与后面的countries不符。B、D项不符原句的逻辑。  38.A 这是一个强调句式。如果把It was…that去掉,该句子意思完整。不缺任何成份。  39.A 该题考查it作形式宾语的用法。四个选项均为代词,只有it作先行代词时,本身没有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的宾语移到后部去。句中it的作用是代替它后面的宾语从句when people talk with their mouths full,故正确答案为A。  40.C 该题考查在省略的宾语从句中连接代词的用法。A、B项为副词,不可作及物动词remember的宾语,应先排除。指某一范围的"哪一个"需用连接代词which,前一个分句中的from either Oxford or Cambridge已限定了范围,故答案选C。  41.D 该题考查引导从句的关系联词的用法。that和which作为关系代词引导定语句必须在从句中充当某一成份;where作关系副词引导定语从句在从句中作状语,先行词必须是表示地点的名词,故应排除A、B、C。由题于中从句与主句所表示的逻辑关系考虑,此空应填表示因果关系的从属连词when,这时when=since;for,意为"由于"、"既然",答案为D。  42.B 该句考查强调结构。"It+be+被强调部分+that从句"是it的强调句型,如果强调的是时间、地点、原因等状语,别后面接that引导的从句,而不能用when,where,because等词来引导,因此答案为B。再如:  It was when I was thirty--five that I got married and had a family.  It was when we got to the station that it began to rain.参看1题。  43.C 该题考查不定代词的替代用法。在进行比较时要用同类的事物相比,排除A、B。按照英语习惯用法,that可以代替一个单数名词或一个不可数名词,以避免重复前面提到过的名词。that前面没有任何修饰词,后面的介词主要是of。由空白后表示所属关系的语境可以确定此空应填that,代替pleasure,故答案选C。  44.A another在此足不定代词,意为"再…个",pay to another $15。意为"再付15美元。more应放在$15之后。  45.C one不定代词指代上文的break。  46.B It is…that为强调结构。  47.D 根据句意,"不是你的,可能是另外谁的呢?"所以答案是D。  48.A 根据句意,"还再需要一些",故选A。  49.B 代替the new house。  50.A。


1.A 这是一个强调句式的一般疑问句。  2.D it是形式主语,to不定式是真正主语。  3.C 参看2题。  4.D family与先行词anyone之间是所属关系。  5.C 在主语从句中,whoever充当主语,指代人,相当于anyone who。而C项who也可引导名词性从句,但它具体指"是谁"。  6.A 特殊疑问句中的选择,用which。  7.C 前一句只提到两个人。neither,either,both仅用于表述两者的情况,而any,all表述多者的情况,且I haven't seen either of them相当于I have seen neither of them。  8.C 可参看2、3题。  9.B all是先行词,that 引导定语从句,且all that=what。  10.A His camera是句子的主语,也是信息词,应填名词性的物主代词hers,它相当于her camera。  11.D it是形式宾语,to master…是真正宾语。此句还可说成I don't think it is possible to…。可参看2、3、8题。  12.D A、B项不符合句意。C项no one后不接of短语。  13.D which是定语从句中的关系代词,指代上文的windows。A、B、C项不能引导定语从句,且填进去后,两个分句缺少连词。  14.B 可参看10题。  15.A 前文提到邀请两个人,两个人都没来,故用neither参看7题。  16.B which引导非限定性定语从句。which指代前面一句话。如果两个分句是由and连接,则A、C、D项也对。  17.C A项中的all放在否定句中,是部分否定,与上文we couldn't eat in a restaurant矛盾,B项不符语法,n项no one后不接of短语,且只指代人。  18.B every other day每隔一天,是习惯用法。  19.C which在非限定性定语从句中指代前面一句话。可参看16题。  20.D 考生非常熟悉It doesn't matter这一句型,该题现在是一般疑问句,it是matter的主语,if引导条件状语从句。  21.A C、D项不能做定语从句的先行词来指代上文的the pupils,只能用the ones,因为它被限定性定语从句所修饰,表特指。该句的意思是:"张先生把教科书分给了所有的学生,那些已经拿走了的学生除外。"  22.B 原题中的so many kinds of tape-recorders暗示考生要买的是录音机,故排除A项。因为有这么多种类,因此不能决定买哪个。C、D项是连接副词,不能做buy的宾语。  23.A B、D项应排除,它们指代可数名词的复数。全句意为:"虽然他很富有,但很少花钱买衣服。"故C项不符句意。  24.D turn at sb.for help是惯用法,在定语从句中把to提前与whom构成介词十关系代词。  25.A 主语从句中缺少宾语,故what充当。

