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65. He lay ___ the grass was the thickest.  A. where   B. when   C. that    D. after


64. Go back ___ you came from.   A. until    B. where    C. which     D. when


63. The doctor will not perform the operation ___ it is absolutely necessary.

A. when         B. if         C. for          D. unless


62. Difficulties are nothing ___ we are not afraid of them.

A. for        B. as         C. if         D. whether


61. I'd like to go swimming ____ the water is not too cold.

A. for        B. unless       C. if         D. whether


60. I can't use your pen, ___ there is no ink in it.     A. for   B. when  C. if   D. whether 


59. Things have changed a lot ____ I wrote to you last time.

A. when         B. since       C. as          D. before


58. ___ he came to study in the university, he has made much progress in the study of English.

A. While       B. When       C. Since       D. After


57. I'll come and see you _____ I go to the countryside.

A. while       B. when      .  C. as soon as     D. before


56. Don't try to get off the bus ____ it has stopped.

A. while       B. as         C. since       D. before

