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46. What the correspondent (通讯员) sent us is an    ___ news report. We can depend on it.

A. artificial    B. authentic     C. automatic    D. approximate   


45. The informed (有见识的) consumers can easily find out the _________ or natural diamonds.

A. artificial   B. athletic     C. actual      D. authentic 


44. A good judge should try to be fair and not to make _________ decisions.

A. abrupt    B. arbitrary     C. alternative     D. artificial 


43. Knowing what is an ____________ behaviour at table will enable you to find it easy to make friends with others.

A. abstract    B. apparent     C. appropriate      D. ambiguous


42. Susan managed to climb out of the car, ________ -- unhurt.

  A. regularly    B. apparently    C. approximately     D. frequently


41. His   __ __ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.

A. ambiguous    B. ample      C. arbitrary      D. artificial


40. Several universities in America have top-class __________ basketball teams,and talented players often turn professional as soon as they finish their studies.

  A. ambiguous   B. alternative    C. aggressive     D. amateur


39. I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I can’t get the train ticket, I still have an __________ plan: to visit the museums.

  A. appropriate    B. alternative    C. approximate    D. anxious


38. The stone is ________ two hundred kilograms, and _______ no one can move it.

  A.nearly; almost   B.almost; nearly   C.mostly; almost   D.nearly; mostly


37. He started choking after eating the chili pepper (辣椒), to which he was __________.

  A. allergic    B. addictive      C. aware     D. arbitrary 

