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56. The best method to _____ this goal is to unite as many people as possible and form a powerful team.

A.accept     B.accelerate     C.accomplish      D.abandon


55. Your passport application form should be ___________ by two recent photographs when you go to the Passport Office. 

   A. accomplished   B. accompanied    C. accessed    D. addressed


54. He is a very honest official and never _______ any gifts from the people who seek his help. A. accepts    B. receives      C. achieves      D. acquires


53. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners __________.  

A. accelerate     B. accumulate    C. arise     D. advance


52. If we ________ water in our daily life, it will soon dry up and nothing can be left for our children, which will eventually lead to the ruin of the whole human beings.

  A. abandon     B. absorb      C. abuse    D. accomplish


51. _______ a lot of attention, Blog comes after email and QQ, becoming more and more popular.

A. Attacking    B. Accepting    C. Achieving     D. Absorbing


50. He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair, so he had to _________ it.

A. accelerate    B. accumulate    C. abolish        D. abandon


49. The shy girl felt   ___ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.

A. amazed    B. awkward      C. allergic       D. amused


48. He was quite __________ of the risk, but he had no choice but to go ahead.

A. accurate     B. ashamed    C. accustomed     D. aware


47. The school is trying its best to make more accommodation      for increasing students.

    A.available    B.approachable       C.admirable     D.accessible

