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34.Only those who have experienced hardship _______ well aware of what happiness means.

   A.can they be   B.they can be   C.can be    D.they can


33.一Did you enjoy the movie?

一Sure,it is _______ a beautiful country town with a variety 0f cultures.

A.put on   B.set in   C.taken on D.got in


32.The day before the party,Laura was walking ________ one street after another,searching for a suitable dress.

  A.through    B.across    C.over    D.into


31.You _________ have written so long an article.The teacher said 100 words would be enough.

  A.mustn’t   B.needn’t     C.couldn’t     D.wouldn’t


30.一Will Daniel come to our gathering?   ‘

一 _______ not,for he is much too busy with his research work.

A.Hopefully   B.Likely    C.Hardly   D.Probably


29.Until tens of years ago,most zoos _______ in such a way-animals in one area and birds in another.

  A.were organized     B.had organized

  C.will organize     D.have been organized


28.一Do you have the Harry  Potter books by JK Rowling in your shop?

一Sorry,there is _______ left at the moment.

A.nothing    B.no one    C.none    D.not one


27.一How can we reduce C02 in our home?

一It’s easy._______ off your TV or computers when you’re not using them,and you’ll greatly reduce it.

  A.Turn    B.To turn    C.Turning    D.Turned


26.Jack felt grateful to his teachers _______ he couldn’t find words to express it.

  A.as if   B.even though   C.so that   D.now that


25.一Jim managed to get into his house without the key.--?

   一I don’t know.He might have asked someone for help.

  A.What for   B.Guess how   C.So What   D.Who knows

