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12、The Parkers bought a new house but ______will need a lot of work before they can move in. (NMET 2001, 25)

A. they      B. it               C. one             D. which


11、- Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can’t find a repair shop.

- I know _____ nearby. Come on, I’ll show you. (2003,长春)

A. one              B. it               C. some            D. that


10、Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in Price to, if not more expensive than,

  _______at the other stores. (2003,黄冈中学)

A. anyone   B. the others         C. that              D. the ones


9、- Did ______get through the driving test?

-No, ________ . A few failed.

A. everybody; not all                      B. anybody; no one 

C. everybody; none                D. anybody; not all


8、He and his brother are as tall as ________ .

A. each of them        B. themselves        C. each other               D. each other’s


7、It was ____he said ________disappointed me. (1999上海,5)

A. what; that         B. that; that           C. what; what        D. that; what


6、Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can’t remember________ .

(NMET, 1998, 9)

A. where            B. there             C. which            D. that


5、Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ____I will always

treasure. (NMET 2002, 35)

A. that              B. one              C. it               D. what


4、- Your coffee smells great!

- It’s from Mexico. Would you like  _____ ?

A. it               B. some             C. this             D. little


3、- How about the price of these washing machines?

- They are at least equal in price to, if not cheaper than, ______at other stores. (2003,南京)

A. others     B. ones            C. that              D. those

