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2. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。         

参考词汇:proprieties  n. 礼仪, 礼节

During the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, about 100000 volunteers will work for them. Then what makes a good volunteer? ________________________



During the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, about 100000 volunteers will work for them. Then what makes a good volunteer? Personally, I hold the view that having a good knowledge of traditional Chinese culture and the spirit of devotion is of the utmost importance. Firstly, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games provide a good opportunity for us to show the world our brilliant culture of 5000 years. No volunteers who know little about it can accomplish the task well. Besides having the knowledge of traditional Chinese culture, a good volunteer should also be devoted to the job. In other words, when on duty, he or she is required to put all his/her heart into the work without asking for anything in return. To conclude, as it comes to me, the lack of either a good knowledge of traditional Chinese culture or the spirit of devotion will make no good volunteer.


6. 奉献精神。

  注意:1. 内容积极向上,语义连贯,结构完整。词数120左右。


5. 身体素质;


4. 紧急救护知识;


3. 中国传统文化知识;


2. 礼仪知识;


1. 外语水平;


35. It was really very dangerous. One more step,    the baby would have fallen into the well.

A. or       B. so       C. and        D. but


21-25 CDACB   26-30 BACDB   31-35 DAAAC

2008北京奥运会期间,将有约10万志愿者为“两会”提供服务。 你认为奥运志愿者哪方面能力最重要?请从以下提供的信息要点中至少选出两项,并说出你的理由,写一篇英文短文。



34. When the car came to a dead stop in the middle of the road, she seemed half out of her mind ______ fear.

  A. with   B. for   C. of   D. from


33. You can eat food free in my restaurant _____  you like.

A. whenever    B. wherever     C. whatever      D. however

