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2. the other(+单数可数名词)特指两者中的另一个,常有one…the other(一个…另一个…)的搭配;其复数形式the

    others或“the other +复数名词”特指在某些人或物中,除去一部分后,“其余的”“剩下的”人或物。

    (89)No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept

    the conditions of _____. (2005上海)

       A. others        B. the other       C. either     

      D. another

       解析:由neither可知,谈话双方都不同意对方的条件,这个“对方”是特指的另一方,所以用the other。答案是B。

       (90)Of the three foreign guests, one is from London, ______two are

    from New York. (1980全国)

       A. other       B. the other       C. some      D.


    解析:特指“其余的那两个”用the other two。答案是B。

       (91)One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and


       A. the other is white            B. another white

       C. the other white               D. another is white





       (83)We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s

    have ______one this month. (2006天津1)

    A. the other      B. some         C. another       D.


    解析:考查不定代词。在one前作定语,表示“另/又/再一”,用another;而the other是特指两者中的另一个,不合语境。答案是C。

       (84)I think he’s just going to deal with this problem ______ day.


       A. next       B. other      C. following     D.


       解析:表示“改天”用another day。但表示相对于过去或将来某天来说的“第二天”时,用the next day 或the

    following day都可以。答案是D。

    (85)-What do you think of the cake?

       -It's nice. I'd like to have______. (1991上海)

       A. some other    B. another       C. others       

    D. other


       (86)Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she

    would like to read ______stories by writers from ______countries. (1997全国)

       A. some; any   B. other; some        C. some; other    D.

    other; other


    (87)Some people like to stay at home on Sunday, but ______like to go to

    the cinema. (1985全国)

       A. another    B. other         C. others     D.

    other one


    (88)Young people may quickly in some ways and more slowly in ______.


       A. the other      B. some other     C. others       

    D. no matter who



2. one替代“a+单数可数名词”,表示泛指。特指的the one相当于that;the one复数形式the

    ones,在口语中也常用those代替;当后面有of短语时,一般用that或those,当有前置修饰语时,只能用one(s),如the red

    one。one(s), the one(s), those, that都是替代“同类”事物,其中只有that可替代不可数名词。

       (72)We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found _____we like

    yet. (2005浙江)

       A. one          B. ones          C. it      

        D. them

       解析:one =a house, 指我们喜欢的那一类房子。答案是A。

       (73)I prefer a flat in Inveneas to _____in Perth, because I want to

    live near my Mom’s (2005天津)

       A. one          B. that          C. it      

         D. this

       解析:替代a flat用one。答案是A。    

       (74)We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _____

    from some wood we had. (2004广西)

       A. it          B. one         C. himself      D.


       解析:因为one是用来替代“a/ an +名词”,以避免重复的,此处one=a cupboard。答案是B。

    (75)I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have


       A. it         B. those      C. them      D. one

       解析:意思是“让每一个客人都有一个杯子”,能替代a glass是只有one。答案是D。

    (76)-Why don't we take a little break?

       -Didn't we just have ________?(2000全国)

       A. it           B. that          C. one     

           D. this

    解析:由上文可知,答语应是Didn’t we just have a rest?(我们刚才不是休息了一会儿吗?);替代a


       (77)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable

    moment, ________I will always  treasure. (2002全国)

       A. that      B. one       C. it       D. what

    解析:用one替代a moment,作an unforgettable moment的同位语,泛指值得我珍惜的那样一个时刻。又如Cook was a

    strict but good captain, one who took good care of the sailors on his


    (78)Cars do cause us some health problems -in fact far more serious _____

    than mobile phones do. (2005江西)

       A. one       B. ones       C. it        D. those

       解析:替代泛指的名词复数problems,用ones。those是替代特的“the +复数名词”的。答案是B。

    (79)He has one blue pen and two red ________. (1980全国)

       A. one       B. once        C. one's        D.



    (80)My most famous relative of all, ______ who really left his mark on

    America, was Reb Sussel, my great-grandfather. (2006江苏22)

       A. one          B. the one       C. he        

     D. someone

       解析:考查替代词。由语境可判断是特指,且作My most famous relative of all的同位语,用the


    (81)Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils, except ________who had

    already taken them. (1992全国)

       A. these      B. ones          C. the ones     D.

    the others

    解析:后面的定语从句是特指,替代the pupils用the ones(=those)。答案是C。

        (82)Equipped with modern facilities, today's libraries differ

    greatly from______.(2003上海)

       A. those of the past    B. the past       C. which of the

    past D. these past

       解析:与today's libraries相比较的应是“过去的图书馆”,即the libraries of the

    past,为避免重复,用those替代the libraries。答案是A。

       考点11  another, (the) other(s), else; the rest的用法辨析


1. it和that都替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”,都是特指,但it指前面提到的“同一”事物,而that是指前面提到的“同类”事物。

    (68)There is a photo on the wall. ________the photo of Lei Feng. (1980全国)

       A. It        B. Its         C. It's         D.



    (69)The Parkers bought a new house but _____will need a lot of work before

    they can move in. (2001全国)

      A. they        B. it          C. one         D.


    解析:特指前面提到的the Parkers所买的那座新房子,用it(=the + house)。答案是B。

    (70)Few pleasures can equal ________of a cool drink on a hot day. (1999全国)

       A. some       B. any        C. that         D.


    解析:that替代the pleasure,指与前面提到的同属“快乐的事”。 答案是C。

       (71)I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much

    fresher than _____ in the city. (2005江苏)

       A. ones       B. one          C. that        

    D. those

       解析:选项中只有that能替代不可数名词the air。答案是C。


2. 表示“每隔”用every,不用each。如every three days每三天,every third day每逢第三天,every

    other day每隔一天,every three meters每(隔)三米,every three minutes每(隔)三分钟。

    (58)These plants are watered ________. (1992全国)

       A. each other day               B. every other day

       C. each of two days              D. every of two days

    解析:句意为“这些作物每隔一天浇一次水”,表示“每隔一天”应是every other day。答案是B。

    考点9  (a) little, (a) few, a bit的用法辨析

    a little和little修饰或代替不可数名词,与much相对,表示“多”;a few和few修饰或代替可数名词与many相对,表示“少”。a

    little和a few含肯定语气, little和few含否定语气。一般说来,在only, just, still, quite, can,

    not等词后用a little或a few;在very, so, some, the, no等词后用little或few。

    (59)Can we do our work better with ______money and ______people? (1983全国)

       A. lesser, few   B. less, fewer     C. little, less     D.

    few, less


    (60) -Would you like some wine? -Yes, just ________. (1993全国)

       A. little        B. very little      C. a little     

    D. little bit

    解析:由yes和just可知,语气肯定,用a little (wine)。very little前不可再用just修饰。答案是C。

    (61)As it was a stormy night, ________people went to see the film.


       A. a few     B. few           C. several     D. many


    (62)Although he's wealthy, he spends ______on clothes. (1992全国)

       A. little       B. few          C. a little     

    D. a few


    (63)-Are the new rules working?

       -Yes _______books are stolen. (1999全国)

       A. Few        B. More        C. Some         

    D. None


       little的比较级和最高级分别是less, least;few的比较级和最高级是fewer, fewest。

    (64)If we had followed the plan, we could have done the job better with

    ____money and _____ people. (1990全国)

       A. less; less     B. fewer; fewer      C. less; fewer   

    D. fewer; less


    (65)If we had followed his plan, we could have done the work better with

    ________money and ______ people. (1987全国)

    A. little, fewer   B. fewer, less     C. less, fewer     D. less,



    (66)If you had followed the plan, you could have done the job better with

    ______ money and ______ people. (1988上海)

    A. less; fewer       B. fewer; less    C. less; few      D.

    few; less


    (67)Can we do our work better with ______money and ______people? (1983全国)

    A. lesser, few    B. less, fewer     C. little, less     D. few,




    考点10  替代词it, that, (the) one(s), those的用法辨析


1. every只能作形容词,在名词前作定语;each可作形容词也可用代词,可用主语、宾语和同位语。

       (57)______ of the boys has got a pencil and some paper. (1990上海)

       A. All          B. Every        C. Everyone     

       D. Each




4. all单独使用,或者后接一个定语从句,或者前面有物主代词时,意为everything或the only thing(s)。

    (47)That’s an unpleasant thing to say about your father after______ he’s

    done for you. (2004四川)

       A. something     B. anything       C. all         

    D. that


    (=everything);he’s done for you是定语从句,修饰all。答案是C。

    (48)It is easy to do the repair. _____you need is a hammer and some nails.


    A. Something    B. All          C. Both        D.


    解析:句意是“你只需要锤子和钉子”;选all,其后接you need,表示“唯一的事物(=the only thing)”。答案是B。

       (49)-You're always working. Come on, let's go shopping.

       -______you ever want to do is going shopping. (2002春)

       A. Anything      B. Something     C. All         

    D. That

       解析:受一定语从句修饰,表示the only thing的只有all。答案是C。

    考点7  some, any的用法辨析


       (50)I asked him for some oil, but he hadn't ________. (1986全国)

       A. any       B. some         C. no       D.



    (51)Let us hope we can settle the matter without ________more trouble.


       A. any      B. a little         C. some      D.



       (52)I'd been expecting ________letters the whole morning, but there

    weren't ________for me. (1989全国)

        A. some; any    B. many; a few   C. some; one    D. a few;




       (53)―I fee a bit hungry.   

       ―Why don’t you have _____bread? (1986全国)

       A. any       B. some      C. little      D. a


    (54)-Your coffee smells great!

       - It's from Mexico. Would you like ______?(2003春)

       A. it            B. some         C. this     

        D. little


    (55)There’s _____ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the

    corner store and get _____? (2004北京)

       A. little; some     B. little; any      C. a little; some 

     D. a little; any

       解析:因为在Would you…?


    (56)―Would you like _____, sir?

    ―No, thanks. I have had much. (2005福建)

       A. some more oranges             B. any more oranges

       C. some more orange              D. any more orange


       考点8  each, every的用法辨析


3. none可指人或物,一般要接表示范围的of短语,可回答how many;而no


    (42)Some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle riding has _____of

    the trouble of taking buses. (1996上海)

    A. nothing       B. none         C. some       D.




       (43)______of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.


       A. Each       B. Any          C. No one     D. None

       解析:“因为是秘密所以没有人知道那个计划。”而no one又不能与of短语连用。答案是D。

       (44)We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ________of us had

    ________money on us. (1991全国)

       A. all; no       B. any; no        C. none; any    D.

    no one; any

    解析:选项A的all…no是部分否定,意为“并非都没有钱”,也就可以在餐馆吃饭;英语中没有any…no/ not搭配,排除B;no


       (45)As we were asleep, ________of us heard the sound. (1987全国)

       A. both       B. none         C. all        D.



       (46) ______of them understood the old foreigner. (1982全国)

       A. Someone     B. Anyone       C. None       D.




2. 表示多者“都”用all,表示多者“都不”用none,表示多者中的“任一”用any。

    (33)Of all the books on the desk,  ______ is of any use for our study.


       A. nothing     B. no one      C. neither          

        D. none


    one =nobody(没有一个人)只能指人,也错了;指多者中“一个也没有,没有一个”用none。句中of any


    (34)I had to buy _____these books because I didn’t know which one was the

    best. (2004上海)

       A. both          B. none         C. neither    

          D. all

    解析:后文的best是最高级,可见至少有三本,排除A和C;none不能作定语,要说none of…答案是D。

    (35)We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for

    ______. (2004浙江)

       A. none       B. either       C. any        D.



       (36)-Which of the three ways shall I take to the village?

       -_____way as you please. (2004福建)

       A. Each         B. Every         C. Any        

      D. Either


       (37)Mr Alcott, headmaster of the school, refused to accept______ of

    the three suggestions made by the Students’ Union. (2000上海春)

        A. either       B. neither      C. any         D.



       (38)-When shall we meet again?

       -Make it ________day you like; it's all the same to me. (1996全国)

       A. one         B. any        C. another       

      D. some


       (39)They were all very tired, but ______of them would stop to take

    a rest. (1995全国)

       A. any        B. some      C. none      D. neither


       (40)______ but fools will believe what he said. (1992上海)

       A. None         B. Nothing       C. Anything     

    D. Everything


       (41)Canada is larger than ______ country in Asia. (1991全国)

       A. any        B. any other     C. other      D.




1. 表示两者“都”用both,表示两者“都不”用neither,表示两者中的“任一”用either。

       (20)If you can’t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don’t

    you take ______? I won’t read them this week. (2006浙江)

       A. all           B. any          C. either   

        D. both


       (21)You may drop in or just give me a call. ______ will do.(2006安徽)

       A. Either        B. Each         C. Neither     

     D. All


       (22)-Which driver was to blame?

       -Why, _________! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He

    suddenly came out between two parked cars. (2006北京)

       A. both      B. each          C. either        

       D. neither

       解析:由后文It was the child’s fault, clear and


       (23)There are two windows in the room. They ________face south.


       A. all        B. both        C. each        D.



       (24)I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment,

    _____of them answered it. (2005福建)

       A. either         B. none         C. neither    

          D. nobody

       解析:由my parents可知是指两者,由To my disappointment可知,两个中一个也没接电话。答案是C。

    (25)We asked John and Jerry, but _____of them could offer a satisfactory

    explanation. (2005北京春)

       A. either         B. none         C. both      

       D. neither

    解析:由but可知,John 和Jerry“两者都不”。 答案是D。

       (26)I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but ______ of them came.


       A. neither           B. either         C. none  

          D. both


       (27)Both teams were in hard training, ______ was willing to lose

    the game.(2001上海)

       A. either         B. neither        C. another    

      D. the other


    (28)-Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

      -I’m afraid ______day is possible. (1998全国)

      A. either            B. neither        C. some    

       D. any

    解析:由I’m afraid可知,Monday和Tuesday两天都不行。答案是B。

        (29)-Are the two answers correct?

       -No, ________correct. (1986全国)

       A. no one is    B. both are not        C. neither is   

    D. either is not

    解析:由two和No可知“两个答案都不对”,no one(=nobody)只能指人,排除A;both are not


    (30)-There’s coffee and tea; you can have _____. 

    -Thanks. (2003全国)

      A. either         B. each          C. one       

      D. it


    (31)-Do you want tea or coffee?

      -______.I really don’t mind. (2000北京春)

       A. Both         B. None        C. Either       

    D. Neither

    解析:由上文tea or coffee可知,是指两者;由I really don’t mind 可知,这两种饮料中的“任何一种”都行。答案是C。

    (32)-Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?

       -If you keep still, you can sit at ________end. (1987全国)

       A. neither      B. each          C. either      

    D. any



