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35.We are calling you now         (以便) you may be ready by the time we arrive. (order)


34.I          (找那本书 )everywhere and found it among a lot of old ones. (hunt)


33.She likes many kinds of sports,           (例如跑步)tennis, and basketball. (such)


32.The weather            ( 一直很暖和) all this week . (stay)  


31.The old lady likes all her grandchildren, but she's          (特别喜欢)Helen. (fond)


30.Most of the people in the city were killed in the big fire, and only a few _______ it.

   A. lived            B. remained         C. survived         D. succeeded

第二节 根据所给汉语,用题后括号中的英语提示完成句子。 15分


29.______ you are very busy, ______ a line if you are in town.

  A. If; write                        B. Even though; write 

  C. If; drop                         D. Even though; drop


28.Working for the country, one must learn to_______ all his knowledge with the whole scientific world. (NMET 2005年)

   A. permit           B. give            C. share           D. devote        


27.-Father, you promised!

  -Well, _______.But it was you who didn't keep your words first. (2005年,湖北)       

   A. so was I         B. so did I          C. so I was         D. so I did


26.-We are having a party this evening.  - ________!

   A. For fun          B. Make fun         C. Have fun        D. Get a fun

