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21. Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the school master ____ he had the day before.

A. that           B. how             C. where           D. what


20. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see____.

A. who is he       B. who he is         C. who is it         D. who it is


19. It was a matter of____ would take the position.

  A. who           B.  whoever        C. whom           D. whomever


18. Would you please tell me____ the airport ?

  A. how I can get to  B. how can I get to     C. where I can get to    D. where I can get to


17. They want to know____ do to help us.

A. what can they     B .what they can       C. how they can       D. how can they


16. Can you tell me____ ?

  A. who is that gentleman                B. that gentleman is who

  C. who that gentleman is                D. whom is that gentleman


15. No one can be sure ____ in a million years.

  A. what man will look like              B. what will man look like

  C. man will look like what              D. what look will man like


14. Can you make sure____ the gold ring ?

  A. where Alice had put                 B. where had Alice put

  C. where Alice has put                 D. where has Alice put


13. Sarah hopes to become a friend of ____ shares her interests.

  A .anyone         B. whomever        C. whoever          D. no matter who


12. You can’t imagine____ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

  A. how they were excited               B. how excited they were

  C. how excited were they               D. they were excited

