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59. ---At lunch time, I'd like to have a chat with you.  ---____ Have what with me?

A.I apologize.        B. Pardon?          C.I see          D. Forgive me.


58. ---Beijing or Shanghai? What did you mean?  ---We were talking about ___ go to college. 

A. how to       B. where to  C. whether to     D. when to


57. ---Tom is good at lots of things but you can't say he is _____. 

---I agree with you. In fact no one is.

A. complete      B. splendid      C. perfect       D. wonderful


56.My father must be having a shower(淋浴),for the water can be heard ________.

A. to be running  B. to run     C. being running  D. running


55. When he was a boy, he used to go there and watched ______.

A. repairing bicycles B. to repair bicycles C. bicycles being repaired D. bicycles to be repaired


54.---I can't work it out in this way.   ---Why __________ it some other way?

A. not try to do  B. not trying doing  C. not try doing  D. don't you try to do


53.---Would you like tea or coffee?   ---__________, I don't mind.

A. Neither       B. Either        C. Both     D. Any 


52. ---How is the wounded soldier?

---Sorry. He ___ though the doctor did what he could to save him.

A. was dying        B. would die     C. died          D. is dead


51.I'll be free on Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, you can come on ___ afternoon.

A. two         B. both         C. either     D. neither 


50.You mustn't always do _____ as he asks you to do. He may be wrong sometimes.

A. anything       B. something      C. nothing  D. everything

