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27. ---- Have you ever visited the Opera House?

  ---- Yes. When I was in Sydney, I ______ it twice.

  A. have visited      B. visited     C. had visited     D. would visit


26. ---- Did you pass the driving test?

  ---- No. I ______ it, but I had little time practising.

  A. could have passed     B. must have passed

  C. can’t have passed      D. shouldn’t have passed


25. From the top of the building, you can see at least ______ distance of 100 kilometers on ______ clear day.

  A. a; the       B. /; a       C. the; a     D. a; a


24. This is the small house less than 15 square meters, under ______ roof lives a large family of three generations.

  A. which       B. that       C. its        D. whose


23. ______ is reported in the newspaper is that seventeen climbers have been killed in the snow tsunami.

  A. It      B. As    C. What     D. That


22. The novel “The Da Vinci Code” ______ a great success and was translated into 44 languages in 2004.

  A. appreciated      B. enjoyed       C. won      D. seized


21. ---- I haven’t found any money though I’ve searched the drawer bottom up.

  ---- Then, I’m afraid there is ______ left.

  A. nothing     B. no one        C. none      D. neither


35. ---- I have some trouble with this problem. Could you do me a favour?

----- Sorry, you may turn to him. He has been ______ and he may know how to solve it.

A. experience        B. expert         C. skill         D. around

参考答案21-25 BDDDB 26-30 CBDDD 31-35 CCBCD



34. _______his age, he did it quite well, so don’t _____him any more.  

A. Considered; scold  B. Concerned; say  C. Given; blame   D. Considering; speak


33. Danby left word with my secretary _____ he would call again this afternoon.

A. who                 B. that          C. as            D. which

