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23. I am __ that vase very much. I'll buy it at any price.

   A. appealed to    B. attached to     C. referred to     D. applied to


22. Tom has been preparing carefully for the English examination, so that he can be sure of passing it at his first __.

   A. request      B. attempt       C. promise      D. purpose


21. We had __ really cold March two years ago in Huai'an, and I still remember __ spring when it snowed .

   A. a; /        B. /; the       C. the; a        D. a; the


20. -Congratulations to you ! I hear you got the first place in the English Speech Contest.

  -_______ .

 A. Don’t mention it. I think that’s only me past    B. Thanks . But I think I could have done better  

C. There’s nothing to cheer for.          D. No, no. It’s a piece of cake.

答案1-5 CCBDB   6-10 BDBBA  11-15 CDBDC  16-20  DABCB 



19. He slipped and had his leg broken. ____ , he  will have to be away from school for two or three months.

    A. In any case  B. After all  C .As a result  D. In this way


18. - _____David come to see you ?

  - Of course, please. And I’d rather he _____ me the truth.

   A. Will; inform    B. Shall; told    C. Should; will tell   D. Can; covers


17. When IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that Beijing ______ the 2008 Olympic Games, all Chinese watching him on TV ________ cheers.

    A. would host; burst into     B. should host; burst out

C. will get; burst through     D. was host; shout at


16.______ the eve of the Spring Festival, the evening show was broadcast live on CCTV-1, ____ brought great pleasure to the whole nation.

A. On; that   B. At; which  C. In; what  D. On, which


15. -You have made great progress in your studies of English, haven’t you?

  -Yes, but much ______.

   A .is remained to be done    B. is remained to do

   C. remains to be done     D. remains to do


14. It is hoped that the teaching reform ____ in our school at present will bring the ___ result to the students.

 A. carried out, desiring     B. carrying out, desired

    C. to carry out, desired     D. being carried out, desired

