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22.Other men live to eat, ________ I eat to live.

    A.and           B.when          C.while          D.or


21.--Hello! May I speak to Jack, please?

--Yes, speaking.

--Oh, I _______ your voice at first.

    A.don’t recognize   B.didn’t recognize  C.hadn’t recognize  D.haven’t recognized


22. She is a strange girl and sometimes her ideas are hard ______.

A. to be understood   B. to understand   C. understanding   D. understood

参考答案11-15 BADAC    16-20 CCDAD    21-22 CB



21. At the end of this meeting, they ______ an agreement that both sides should respect each other.

A. arrived    B. held    C. reached     D. touched


20. It was only later ______ people realized his greatness.

    A. which    B. who      C. what   D. that


19. He asked me what ______.

  A. was the matter    B. the matter was   C. is the matter  D. the matter is


18. This is a new kind of machine______ parts are all made by ourselves.

   A. which           B. that            C. those           D. whose


17. ______ came______ all the prisoners were set free.

  A. Words, that    B. Word, if   C. Word, that   D. Words, what


16. ______ he failed in the important exam made his parents______.

A. What, disappointed      B. What, disappointing

   C. That, disappointed       D. That, to be disappointed


15. I’m ______ that the______ story made everybody sad.

   A. surprising, moving                 B. surprised, moved 

   C. surprised, moving                                  D. surprising, moved

