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42. The water level of the river _________by l metre after the heavy rain.

   A. rose   B. was risen   C. raised   D. was raised


41. He ________ fault with me. How can we get on well with each other?

  A. always finds   B. is always finding  C. has always found  D. will always find


40. The leaders discussed the plan they would like to see______ the coming week.

   A. carry out  B. carrying out  C. to carry out  D. carried out


39. Why? I have nothing to confess. I really have no idea ____________you want me to say.

  A. that what it is  B. what is it that   C. what it is that   D. that it is what


38. ______so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to use English freely.

  A. As  B. With   C. Because  D. If


37. You can’t imagine the difficulty I have ___________the problem!

  A. to solve  B. solved  C. solving   D.  solve


36. The girl wanted to end her life and ________all her worries in her world.

  A. get away from  B. take away from  C. keep away from  D. break away from


35. ----How are you getting along with your English study ?

  ----So far ________.

   A. so well    B. as well  C. quite well   D. so good


34. To go to school before 6:30 to read English seems to a rule ___________.

  A. never to be broken   B. never to be breaking 

  C. never to have broken   D. never to been broken


33. We can gain _______ knowledge of the past events by studying history.

  A. /   B. the   C. a   D. an

