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74.Why  does  a  child  like  playing  games?

A.Because  he  can  be  someone  other  than  himself.

B.Because  he  can  become  popular  among  friends.

C.Because  he  finds  he  is  always  lucky  in  games.

D.Because  he  likes  the  place  where  he  plays  a  game.


73.What  do  we  know  about  grown-ups?

A.They  are  not  interested  in  games.              B.They  find  children’s  games  too  easy.

C.They  don’t  need  a  reason  to  play  games.        D.They  don’t  understand  children’s  games.


72.To  become  a  leader  in  a  game  the  child  has  to        .

A.play  well                             B.wait  for  his  turn

C.be  confident  in  himself                       D.be  popular  among  his  playmates


71.What  is  true  about  children  when  they  play  games?

A.They  can  stop  playing  any  time  they  like.         B.They  can  test  their  personal  abilities.

C.They  want  to  pick  a  better  team.             D.They  don’t  need  rules.


70.Which  of  the  following  would  be  the  best  title  for  the  passage?

A.Course  Registration  Made  Easy               B.How  to  Find  the  Right  Courses

C.Classes  and  After-class  Activities              D.How  to  Pick  the  Perfect  Schedule

答案  67.B 68.A 69.D 70.D 


      Children  have  their  own  rules  in  playing  games.They  seldom  need  a  referee(裁判)and  rarely  trouble  to  keep  scores.They  don’t  care  much  about  who  wins  or  loses,and  it  doesn’t  seem  to  worry  them  if  the  game  is  not  finished.Yet,they  like  games  that  depend  a  lot  on  luck,so  that  their  personal  abilities  cannot  be  directly  compared.They  also  enjoy  games  that  move  in  stages,in  which  each  stage,the  choosing  of  leaders,the  picking-up  of  sides,or  the  determining  of  which  side  shall  start,is  almost  a  game  in  itself. 

   Grown-ups  can  hardly  find  children’s  games  exciting,and  they  often  feel  puzzled  at  why  their  kids  play  such  simple  games  again  and  again.However,it  is  found  that  a  child  plays  games  for  very  important  reasons.He  can  be  a  good  player  without  having  to  think  whether  he  is  a  popular  person,and  he  can  find  himself  being  a  useful  partner  to  someone  of  whom  he  is  ordinarily  afraid.He  becomes  a  leader  when  it  comes  to  his  turn.He  can  be  confident,too,in  particular  games,that  it  is  his  place  to  give  orders,to  pretend  to  be  dead,to  throw  a  ball  actually  at  someone,or  to  kiss  someone  he  has  caught.

    It  appears  to  us  that  when  children  play  a  game  they   imagine  a  situation  under  their  control.Everyone  knows  the  rules,and  more  importantly,everyone  plays  according  to  the  rules.Those  rules  may  be  childish,but  they  make  sure  that  every  child  has  a  chance  to  win.


69.If  a  course  happens  to  be  closed,you  should        .

A.register  at  7:00  a.m.                 B.sit  in  on  the  class  anyway

C.register  for  a  back-up  course            D.get  help  from  the  professor


68.You  should        .

A.register  for  classes  in  the  morning  if  you  get  up  early

B.have  classes  late  in  the  morning  if  you  stay  up  late

C.sign  up  for  afternoon  classes  if  you  want  to  see  soap  operas

D.choose  classes  in  the  evening  if  you  want  to  watch  old  films


67.Which  of  the  following  statements  is  true?

A.You  can  get  copies  of  tests  if  you  are  willing  to  pay  the  price.

B.“Rock  Music  of  the  1950s”  may  be  an  easy  course.

C.It  is  difficult  to  pick  the  perfect  class  schedule.

D.Attendance  is  required  in  all  classes.


75.What  is  the  message  of  the  story?

A.Talking  about  something  familiar  gives  you  confidence  in  communication.

B.Answering  questions  in  class  makes  you  better  understood  by  classmates.

C.Language  plays  an  important  role  in  communication  between  cultures.

D.Mathematics  helps  to  improve  communication  between  cultures.

答案  71.D        72.A      73.C          74.A          75.A 


   Have  you  ever  got  stuck  with  unwanted  courses  or  a  class  schedule  that  cannot  be  changed?If  so,that’s  because  you  don’t  know  how  to  select  the  perfect  schedule.But  by  following  a  few  simple  steps,you  can  begin  any  term  with  the  right  courses  at  the  most  convenient  times. 

      First,you  must  find  the  right  courses.These  are  the  ones  that  have  the  least  amount  of  work,the  fewest  tests  and  the  kindest  professors.Ask  your  friends  about  courses  in  which  they  received  A’s  after  attending  only  70  percent  of  the  classes.Ask  around,too,to  see  which  instructors  have  given  the  same  tests  for  the  last  fifteen  years.Photocopies  of  these  tests  are  usually  cheap  and  can  be  easily  found  in  school.Then,pick  up  a  copy  of  the  master  schedule  and  study  it  carefully.Find  the  course  titles  that  mean  an  easy  pass  for  a  painless  subject.Look  for  titles  like  “Arts  and  Crafts  for  Beginners.”and“Rock  Music  of  the  1950s”.

     Next,when  you  have  got  lists  of  easy  instructors  and  subjects,you  can  begin  to  select  your  time  periods.If  you  stay  up  late  in  order  to  watch  old  movies,you  may  want  a  daily  schedule  that  begins  no  sooner  than  noon.You  should  schedule  only  afternoon  courses,too,if  you’re  one  of  those  people  who  hate  to  leave  a  warm  bed  in  the  morning.On  the  other  hand,if  you  are  a  person  who  gets  out  of  bed  at  dawn,you  may  want  to  get  your  classes  out  of  the  way  as  early  as  possible.That  way  you  have  the  rest  of  the  day  free.Morning  classes  are  also  necessary  if  you  are  a  soap  opera(肥皂剧)fan.

    Finally,you  want  your  schedule  to  pass  through  registration  successfully.The  main  way  to  do  this  is  to  register(注册)early.If  a  course  does  happen  to  be  closed  because  you  simply  couldn’t  register  at  7:00  a.m.,you  may  still  be  able  to  get  in.Talk  to  the  professor  and  tell  him  or  her  that  a  serious  and  hardworking  student  like  yourself  would  be  a  shining  example  to  other  students.Be  sure  to  carry  a  list  of  back-up  courses  to  registration,though,just  in  case  one  of  your  chosen  classes  changes  professors  or  time  periods.

      By  following  these  suggestions,any  student  can  pick  the  perfect  class  schedule.College  can  thus  become  an  almost  pleasant  activity.


74.Which  of  the  following  statements  is  true?

A.Nadia  was  better  at  maths  than  other  students.

B.Nadia  found  some  of  the  maths  questions  difficult.

C.Nadia  was  encouraged  to  answer  questions  in  class.

D.Nadia  understood  the  maths  teacher  better  than  other  teachers.

