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25.  The famous star got injured before her concent ,     made her fans worried .

    A.who           B.that           C.what          D.which


24.  The small mountain village      we spent our holiday last month lies in      is now part of Hubei .

    A.which where     B.where, what     C.that , which     D.when , which


23. The man showed us so heavy a stone _______ no man can lift.

    A.that           B.as            C.which         D.and


22. There is not one of us      wishes to help you . We are doing our best .

    A.who           B.that           C.as            D.but


21. Our school is no longer ______ is was 10 years ago, _______ it was not well equipped.

    A.what; which   B.that; which    C.what; when    D.that; where


20. I am afraid I am not fit for the job, because it is one      requires a lot of patience.

    A.who           B.that           C.what          D.where


19. “I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, ____ they maintained(断言), destroyed almost  all of _____ they had in the summer of 1991.” Blix said.

   A. which, what   B. as, which   C. as, that     D. as, what


18.This is the book I bought yesterday , ______I spent 8 yuan .    

    A.on which     B.for which     C.in which D.at which


17. I shall never forget the day     Shen Zhou V was launched ,      has a great effect on my life .

    A.when , which    B.that , which     C.which ,that      D.when , that


16. These countries will join one another against terrorism,    was agreed to at the international conference.

    A.as   B.who  C.that  D.what

