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25. A: Hi , Randall,Come on in .

B: Uh, yeah, I   by to see if you    for a roommate to share your house.

  A.stopped; were still looking           B.will stop ;are still looking

C.have stopped ; were still looking       D.stop ; will have looked


24. As time _______ on, Sally began to wonder if Bruce ________ Bilk’s new poem called Tabled’ Hute.

  A.has gone; had read                 B.went; has read

C.goes; has read                    D.went; had read


23.-How are things going?

    -The disabled ________ no relatives in Guangzhou ________ by the volunteers, who will graduate from Zhongshan University next year.

  A.with, are taking care of              B.have, will be taken care of

C.with, are being taken care of          D.have, are being taken care of


22. -This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field .

   -Yes , I know him very well . He      in Africa with wild animals for eight years .

  A.has worked       B.had worked      C.worked         D.has been working


21. He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school. This experience     his life.

  A.would change                    B.had changed

C.was to change                    D.was changing


20. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I _________.

  A.am not invited                    B.am not being invited

C.shall not be invited                 D.was not invited


19.-_______ John this week?


-Where _______ him?

-In the library.

  A.Did you see; did you see             B.Have you seen; did you see

C.Do you see; have you seen            D.Have you seen; have you seen


18. Yassin’s death was not _______ to stop Hamas’ ability to ________ terror attack.

  A.hoped; go on                     B.decided; hold out

C.intended; break out                 D.expected; carry out


17. -Well, that was really a good meal. I _______ you were a really good cook.

   -Thank you.

  A.didn’t know       B.don’t know      C.haven’t know    D.hadn’t known


16. After he left college, he was employed in an international company

and     there ever since .

  A.worked         B.has worked      C.had worked      D.was working

