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7. The Federal Government moved to the new city soon after it was built. T   F


6. Both Melbourne and Sydney wanted to be the capital city.           T   F


5. Canberra is the largest city and the education center in Australia.       T   F


4. Canberra is now a lovely city to which no visitors can go by sea.       T   F


3. Canberra was designed by an American.                          T   F


2.According to the passage, it is about 740 kilometers from Sydney to

Melbourne via(经由)Canberra.                               T   F


1.This passage mainly tells us ____.

A. how the capital of the country came into being

  B. what the capital looks like

  C. when the government moved to the new capital

  D. when the Australian government was founded


8.Thw word decorated in this passage means ___.

  A. made more beautiful                  B. built or set up

  C. sung beautiful                     D. looked after  

Words per minute ______

%Comprehension _______

Passage 27  

Canberra--- the Capital of Australia

Canberra, the capital of Australia, lies in the southeast of the country. From this city, it is 240 kilometers to Sydney, and over twice the distance to Melbourne. The former faces the Pacific Ocean, and the latter is close to the Bass Strait, through which ships from Sydney can enter the Indian Ocean.

When the Federal Government of Australia was founded in l90l, no one knew where Australia’s capital would be. The two cities of Melbourne and Sydney both wanted the honor. Instead, the founding fathers chose a piece of land between the two cities for the new capital. The government would build a new city called Canberra as the country's capital.

In 1911, the government invited the leading architects (建筑师)to take part in a contest for design of a new metropolis Canberra. An architect from Chicago named Walter Griffn won. The government decided to build Canberra in l913. Twenty-four years later, the city was finished. But the government had moved to this new city ten years before it was completed.

At one time, almost everyone in Canberra worked for the government. However, the city today has become a center of education and favorite place for tourists. Now people can hold a government job, or they can engage in business. They also make a living by teaching catering to the needs of tourists or senior citizens.

People find life in Canberra very relaxing and pleasant. The city is surrounded by beautiful mountains where people can ski. There is a large man-made lake lined with beaches and parks in the center of Canberra.

Canberra is now Australia's largest inland city. Many people living there have come from other cities in Australia and also from other countries. Some have come to Canberra to work. Some have come to escape the busier ways of life in many other cities.

             Length 305

Total Reading Time ___


Answer the following questions without referring to the reading:


7. The word which means “ be like or suitable for use with” in this passage is ___.

  A. shape         B. match           C. remove          D. attract


6.Bowerbirds are called artists and engineers of the bird world because the

  bowers they build are very beautiful.                                 T   F

