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2.    The Navahos were running out of their animals.                       T   F


1.    This passage is mainly about ____.

A.   the government in Mexico

B.    the Navahos and their animals

C.   the place where Indians lived

D.   how the people fed their animals


8.In this passage the word environment  means ____ in Chinese.

  A. 污染         B. 环境           C. 生存          D. 财产

                                              Words per minute ______

%Comprehension _______

Passage 43  

Animals Mean Wealth

  Different things are important in different communities(公社). What a community thinks is important can change the way it carries on its business.

  The Navaho Indians live on large reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. They raise sheep and horses as a business. The animals feed on grass growing on Navaho land.

  The Indians got sheep and horses from the Spaniards in the 1600s.Later,the sheep and horses became important to the Navahos for wool(羊毛), meat, and travel. But the animals were also a sign of wealth. A man with many sheep or horses was important in the community.

  At one time, the Navahos had more than a million animals. But the sheep were eating the grass down to the ground. Each horse ate more grass than five sheep. Even the roots of the grass were dying, and the ground was beginning to wash away in the rain. There were too many animals. Without grass to eat, the animals would die. The Navahos themselves would not have enough food.

  The government wanted to help. It asked the Navahos to make their herds smaller. It was a sad time for the people. Large herds were very important to them.

             Length 202

Total Reading Time ___


Answer the following questions without referring to the reading:


7.From the passage we can see that the world’s natural resources are

being used up quickly.                                            T   F


6.Man will destroy himself if he doesn’t solve the problems.                T   F


5.We shouldn’t take more and more fish out of the sea, or there will soon

be no fish left.                                                  T   F


4.In the past, there was no need for people to think of protecting

the environment.                                                 T   F


3.Acording to the third paragraph, men have stopped cutting down tree.      T   F


2. If we use them properly, the natural resources can be used longer.          T   F


1. This passage mainly tells us about __________.

A. the problems we are facing today about environment and the ways to solve them

B. the unlimited natural resources in the world

C. our rivers are being polluted by waste from factories

D. the ways early men to protect the environment

