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46.A.high        B.long         C.fast        D.often


45.A.And         B.But          C.Therefore    D.Besides


44.A.usual        B.hard         C.easy           D.funny


43.A.notice        B.raise        C.display      D.collect


42.A.amazement    B.information    C.motivation    D.environment


41.A.travel        B.nature        C.islands      D.flowers


75. Marco Polo ‘s answer meant that ______

    A. what he wrote was half better than what he saw.

    B. he was interested in half of what he had seen.

    C. he was not able to describe the beauty of the faraway land.

    D. there were so many true stories that he could only tell part of them.

- Excerpted from Yang Lan’s speech in Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games

Key: 72----75      BCDD


74. Which of the following is not the promise that China will keep to the world?

    A. Whoever takes part in the Beijing Olympic Games will have a great time in Beijing.

    B. The flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.      C. The Olynpic Torch will reach the world's highest summit - Mount Qomolangma.

    D. Marco Polo’s stories will await athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience.


73. Mt. Everest refers to _____.

    A. a person who is known to many people in the world      

B. Himalayas 

C. Mount Qomolangma                             

D. the Olympic Torch


72. In Yanglan’s speech, she mentioned a game called Cuju, she implied that _____.

A.    China is the original country of football.

B.    China is a country with a long histry in sports.

C.    People in China used to play football well.

D.   Women in China are good at football.

