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第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


Man’s ideas about the building
Woman’s ideas about the building
The office buildings in our town are becoming not only taller in the cities, but(16)___________ than in the past.
If you move from one part of the building to another you need a(17)______________ and a long walk.
Maybe we may have small(18)___________ cars in office buildings as well.
They’ll start to look like little villages and you’ll have(19)_____________ and hospitals in them as well.
In the future, many people will work in the buildings that you need all kinds of(20)___________.


第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.     What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.    Employer and employee.

B.    Shop assistant and customer.

C. Waiter and consumer.

2.     What is the attitude of the man towards the woman?

A. Cold.                   B. Impolite.              C. Considerate.


3.     What time is the school bus supposed to arrive at Joanne’s home?

A. At 7:50.                  B. At 8:30.              C. At 8:40.

4.     Why does Joanne hate Monday?

A.    Because she has to get up early.       B. Because she has to have breakfast.

C. Because her mother isn’t at home.

5.     Who do you think does the most housework in this family?

A. Joanne.                  B. Joanne’s father.     C. Joanne’s mother.


6.     What makes the woman look unwell?

A.    Her office work.          B. Her being on a diet.   C. Having too many bananas.

7.     What is the man’s opinion of the woman?

A.    She doesn't need to lose weight.

B.    She will be more beautiful if she loses some weight.

C.    She should gain some weight.

8.     What will the woman most probably do next?

A.    Stick to her diet plan.       B. Follow the trend.        C. Return to her normal life.


9.     What service does the woman help to sell?

A.    A bargain on dance lessons.

B.    A membership to a sports club.

C.    A great deal on airfare to Hawaii.

10.   Why does the man refuse the offer?

A.    He never buys things over the phone.

B.    He doesn’t have extra money to spend.

C.    He doesn’t need the service being provided.

11.   What do we know about the man?

A.    He will accept the offer willingly.

B.    His name will be removed from the list soon.

C.    He might be called again in the coming weeks.


12.   What is the passage mainly about?

A.    Special education in public schools.

B.    Special education in private schools.

C.    Special education in Hillside School.

13.   How old are the students in Hillside School?

A.    From five to thirteen.

B.    From eight to twenty-eight.

C. From four to forty-four.

14.   Which school has international students this year?

A.    The school in Pennsylvania.

B.    The Shelton School.

C. The school in Vermont.

15.   What is the goal of the three private schools?

A.    To develop writing skills of those with learning disabilities.

B.    To make preparations for their future regular learning.

C.    To study why they have disorders in learning.


第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)


假如你是肖芳,你所在的学校最近进行了一次消防演习(fire drill),请就演习的情况向英语报社写一份报道。内容如下:

1.   演习目的:培养师生在火灾发生时的自我保护能力和自救能力。

2.   演习时间:本周星期一下午4:00。

3.   参加对象:全体师生员工约4000名。

4.   演习的基本情况:大家迅速、安全地在5分钟内到达操场指定位置。

5.   同学们的感受。







60. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average level. He plans to have a tour in China.

