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26. The Internet is a wonderful discovery, __________ of great significance to people’s lives.

 A. which I think           B. which I think it is    C. as I think          D. as is I think


25. A desert area that________ without water for years will still bring on plants when rain comes.

A. is                B. has been          C. was             D. had been


24. I________ here earlier. I never thought the car would break down halfway.

A. could come         B. should come       C. would have come    D. may have come


23. Some economists and historians think ________ is a close connection between war and economic depression.

A. there              B. it               C. what             D. that


22. Henry could have declined the invitation, ________ he had little interest in joining the society.

  A. though            B. when            C. providing          D. for




21. Watch out! You will get ________ shock if you touch________ live wire with that conductor.

 A. the; the            B. a; the            C. 不填; a           D. 不填;不填

