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27. ----Look at the black clouds. It ______soon.

  ----Sure. If only we  _____ out.

   A. is raining; didn’t come    B. is to rain; won’t start

  C. will rain; haven’t started   D. is going to rain; hadn’t come


26. It is not how much but ____ you read ______counts.

  A. that; that     B. what; that    C. that; what    D. which; what


25. The students have done much of their homework. When will ____ be finished.

  A. the rest      B. the other     C. another     D. the others


24. Terry would rather ______ inside _____ while I would rather she went shopping with her friends.

    A. stay, reading   B. stay, reading    C. stayed, to read  D. stayed, reading


23. Good heavens! There you are! We ________ anxious about you, and we ________ you back throughout the night.

A. are; expect                       B. were; had expected

   C. have been; were expecting            D. are; expecting


22. ---Do you have anything in mind _____ you’d like for dinner?

  ---Well,____ is okay with me.

  A. that; anything  B. which; everything  C. what; whatever  D. where; something



21. It is ___fantastic success for China Badminton Team’s winning ___ 2009 Sudirman Cup World mixed team badminton championships after beating ____South Korea on May17,2009.

  A. /; the; the     B. a; a; the    C. the; /; a     D. a; the ; /


第二节 (共12小题,每小题1.5分,满分18分)


听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8 三 个小题.

6. How will the robber feel when he  opens the bag?

A .happy.        B. sad.         C. disappointed.

7.What do you think of the robber?

A. He is foolish.      B. He is clever.      C. He is unlucky        

8. Where did the conversation take place?

.A. On a bus.       B .At the police station.   C. We don’ t know.  

听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11 三 个小题.

9. Why don’t the woman want to stay at home?

A. Because she doesn’t like the dog.

B. Because her little sister is too naughty.

C. Because she wants to see the film.

10. What will the woman do tonight?

A. She will go to the cinema.

B. She will stay at home to look after the dog.                                                   

C .We don’t know.

11. Which of the following is true according to the dialogue?

  A. the woman’s mother had a baby girl last week.

  B The film will begin at seven.

  C. The woman’s mother likes the Baby.

听下面一段对话, 回答第12 至 14 三个小题.

12. What’s the probable relationship between two speakers?

  A. Boss and employee   B. Teacher and student   C. Doctor and patient

13. Why was the man late that morning?

  A. Because he had a headache.

  B. Because he is always late.

  C. Because the traffic is heavy.

14. How many days has the man been asleep?

  A. One day       B. Two days        C. Three days

听下面一段对话, 回答第15至17 三个小题

15. What did the man do in Wenchuan?

  A. he helped build up tents and hand out things.

  B. he did some psychological work.

  C. Both A and B.

16. How did the man know the earthquake in Wenchuan?

  A. A friend told him.  B .He knew it from a newspaper.  C. he knew it from TV.

17. Which of the following is NOT true according to the dialogue?

  A. The woman wants to do something to help.

  B. The woman can get to the disaster area by train.

C. Many psychologists are needed at present.




1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A .In a gym .       B. On the street.     C. In a store.

2.What does the woman want the man to do?

  A .See  John        B. Practise basketball.   C. Return John’s dictionary.

3.What is the woman busy with?

A. Preparing for a speech.  B. Writing a report.    C .Organizing a discussion.

4.What can we draw from the conversation?

  A. The man and the woman had a date yesterday, but the man didn’t come.

  B. The man forgot the date with the woman yesterday.

  C. The man didn’t come yesterday because of his company’s affairs.

5. Why did the woman do a lot of shopping today?

  A. Because she will hold a party.

  B. Because she has a big family.

  C. Because she bought for a total week.

