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33.Obama received huge support from African Americans, _____ more than 95% voted for him.

    A.of which       B.of whom       C.from which      D.from whom


32.- What would you like to drink?

    -_____ will do so long as it is cold.

    A.Anything       B.Nothing       C.Everything      D.Something


31.You should ask _____ about what you can do for your country than what your country can do for you.

    A.much        B.most          C.more         D.many


30.- Hello, Dr.Smith's Clinic!

    - Hello! I'm calling to cancel the appointment I _____ with the doctor.

    A.am making      B.have made      C.will make     D.had made


29.- How sad your brother looks! What's up?

    - I've no idea.That's _____ is upsetting me.

    A.who           B.which          C.what          D.that


28.Having weekly meals together _____ to be helpful in bringing the family closer.

    A.found out       B.turned out       C.figured out      D.worked out


27.I know the teacher _____ to Amy when she spoke of a bright girl.

    A.refers         B.referred        C.was referring    D.had referred


26.The Palace Museum has a _____ of 9,600,000 pieces of ancient Chinese artwork.

    A.collection      B.mixture        C.combination     D.series


25.- Beijing or Shanghai? What do you mean?

    - We were talking about _____ to go to college.

    A.how           B.where         C.whether        D.when


24.________ the film Slumdog Millionaire has won 8 Oscars, most Indians are not pleased with it.

    A.As          B.While         C.When       D.Since

