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第一节  :单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. (每空只写一词)

66. If you knock into somebody, you should __________(道歉)to him.      66______

67. While Mary worked in the ________(厨房) , she talked to Henry, but he was not listening.                         


68. Stick stamps on the ________(信封) and post the letters.            68_______

69. When I came to the riverside, I found a boy __________(挣扎) in the water.    69________

70. Do you know how many countries belong to _________(欧洲)Union?    70________

71. I’m afraid I can’t sing the song, for it’s ____ (超出) the range of my voice.    71_______

72.The applicants waited _______(耐心) for the final decision of the company.    72______

73. People are _______(禁止) to help those who have broken the law.       73________

74.The doctor said his _______(体温) was normal, and that he just lacked a good rest.74________

75.Is it _________(方便) for you if I come to see you tomorrow afternoon?     75_______


20.  -----He should have been warned of the danger.

------_______, but he wouldn’t listen to me .

A. So he had     B. So had he   C. So was he    D. So he was

