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18. The concert by Lang Lang was so well _______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first three days last month.

A. received          B. recognized   C. admitted     D. taken


17. According to the school regulation, whoever cheats in examinations ______be severely punished.

   A. can       B. would     C. shall      D. need


16. _______was expected, only five people turned up at the party, _____disappointed the hostess very much.

A. As; which    B. As; that    C. It ; that     D. It ; which


15. Most people are _____ bringing down the price of housing because it’s too high for them.

   A. in favor of                  B. in honor of         

C. in search of                 D. in charge of


14. -----Did you meet Jack at the airport yesterday afternoon?

-----No. When I got there,  he _______.

A. went away    B. goes away   C. was going away   D. had gone away


13. ------Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?

------    .They are expensive and of little use.

   A. None    B. Neither        C. All    D. Both


12. It is reported that women_____ only 30% of the work force.

A. fill up     B. bring up    C. make up     D. set up


11. Although many measures _____, the world’s economy is still going down.

A. are taken               B. were taken               

C. will be taken            D. have been taken


10. -----Do you remember to go to see a doctor tomorrow?


A. Got it     B. Heard it    C. Make it    D. Taken it


9. All the people present at the conference agreed that the plan ____ by the old professor was well worth considering.

A. put away       B. put off    C. put forward    C. put up

