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34. Riding bikes has advantages ________ driving cars ________ many aspects.

  A. above; in       B. over; in          C. on; on           D. with; on


33. I don’t think football is ________ than basketball.

  A. a lot more exciting                                  B. a great deal more excited

  C. more excited by far                 D. by far most exciting


32. When you have borrowed a book from the library, you should keep it well, as if it were ______ of ______.

  A. that, yours    B. one, yours           C. that, you         D. one, you


31. The buttons on my coat came ________.

  A. unfasten        B. unfastening       C. to unfastened      D. unfastened


30. The English ________ many times over centuries to bring Scotland under their rule. They succeeded at last in 1707, and some Scots ________ them.

  A. have tried; have never forgiven        B. had tried; never forgave

  C. had tried; have never forgiven         D. have tried; had never forgiven


29. Could it be in the valley in ________ we had a picnic ________ you left behind your keys and wallet?

  A. which; which    B. which; that       C. that; where       D. where; where


28. The present economic crisis,  if _____ properly, will result in lots of social problems.

A. isn’t handled      B. having not handled   C. not handling      D. not handle


27. ________ surprises me most is ________ she doesn’t even know where the difference between the two lies.

  A. What; that                       B. What; what

  C. That; what                       D. That; that


26. He was but ________ 18-year-old young man when he turned ________ manager of a company.

  A. an; a           B. an;不填          C. a; 不填          D. a; the


25. The more ________ you listen to the tape, the ________ you will find it to understand.

  A. carefully; more easily               B. careful; more easily

  C. carefully; easier                   D. careful; easier

