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29.-Sam, it's too late. Our daughter ________ be back. 

-Don't be anxious. I dare say she ________ have some extra work to do.

A. can; must    B. will; might     C. should; must    D. must; may


28.If the person     agrees,we sometimes use small recorders to make sure that we get all our facts straight. 

 A.interviewed   B.being interviewed  C.interviewing  D.to be interviewed


27.________ I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company. 

A.For the first time           B. The first time

C. The first time when               D. When the first time


26.When I was having my holiday abroad, those children kept quarrelling and _______ my fun. 

A. destroyed      B. damaged        C. injured              D. spoiled


25.The child, who was believed ___ by a tiger, was found in a forest.

A. to be killed     B. having killed   C. to have been killed    D. to be killing


24. The prices of many kinds of the computers ______ quickly these days. 

A. are raising         B. rises             C. raise          D. are going up


23.We are given a three-day holiday for May Day, but Harry is given ________ for his excellent work as a reward. That is, he has a six days’ holiday. 

    A. another three day    B. other three days   C. three more days  D. three days


22.The teacher thought his students needed more practice and learning skills _______ much homework. 

A. other than           B. rather than         C. more than      D. in place of



21.Journalism is described as __________science of searching, recording, and reporting_________ important events. 

A. a;the               B. a; /        C. /; /       D. /;the

