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33.The hot weather lasted for a whole week,       made everybody tired and sleepy.

    A.which         B.that           C.when          D.why


32.       you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else.

    A.Though        B.Since          C.While         D.So


31.Information about the meeting was sent out       groups, who had been looking forward to it for a long time.

    A.to interested     B.to interesting    C.having interested  D.to interest


30.Joanne was delayed by a customer when she       the office.

    A.left           B.has left         C.was leaving     D.leaves


29.As the demand rises, so       .

    A.prices are       B.prices do       C.are prices       D.do prices


28.On the way home,       sky grew dark, and       cold rain began to fall.

    A.the; 不填       B.不填; the       C.the; a          D.不填; a


27.       really makes me angry when I see people dropping litter.

    A.That          B.As            C.What          D.It


26.It was proven that the story of one witness       .

    A.has been invented                 B.had been invented

    C.would be invented                D.was invented


25.A date book would make a great gift, except that a lot of people already have       .

    A.some          B.it             C.that           D.one


24.The handles       so that children can grasp them firmly.

    A.can be shaped                    B.should be shaped

    C.must have been shaped             D.should have been shaped

