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35.-I saw Dave in the library this morning.

-Really? He ______ around school for a long time.

A.won’t be seen               B. wasn't seen

C.hasn’t been seen              D. hadn' t been seen


34. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ______ toys in 2008 as the year before.

A.as many twice              B. as twice many

C.twice many as              D. twice as many


33.-What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?

-Well, great! But I don t think much of ______ you bought.

A.these        B.it          C. that       D. which


32.-Really, I don’t know     to join the army or to find a job after my graduation.

-Why don’t you seek your parents’ advice? They will surely help you.

    A.if            B.how           C.where         D.whether


31.     we gave her something to eat, she would save it up for her little brother.

    A.Whatever       B.However       C.Whenever       D.Whoever


30.A big fire broke out in a restaurant last night,     at least  5 people.

    A.having been injured               B.having injured

    C.injuring                        D.injured

