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32. I don’t ____________ much hope that his oral English will improve in such a short period of time.

   A. take on       B. work out       C. make up        D. hold out


31. If we go on using energy so wastefully,      are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil.

    A. chances           B. difficulties          C. questions         D. problems


30. --- Sorry, I couldn’t find the magazine you asked for.

  ---          .

   A. Don’t mention it     B. No problem    C. It’s all the same    D. Thanks anyway


29.      abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me.

    A.Taking      B.Taken      C.Being taken      D.Having been taken


28. Was it in 1998, when he was still at a middle school, ________ this boy became an expert at computer?

A. which             B. when            C. where           D. that


27. --- Where is your new home now?

  --- In the new developed zone. But I ______________ downtown for five years.

  A. have lived       B. had lived       C. lived      D. was living


26. --- Can you help me?

  --- Yes. _____________ your teacher’s advice, in my opinion, and everything will be OK.

  A. Follow      B. Following      C. To follow      D. Followed


25. The 2010 World Cup will be held in South Africa,and no one can     which country will be the champion.

  A. retell             B. inform          C. remind               D. predict


24. Here came      word that a new kind of disease has hit ___________ Mexico and some other countries.

A. a ; the      B. 不填 ; the    C the ; 不填    D. 不填 ; 不填


23. ---I can’t believe he’s fifty. He looks so young.

  --- ________ neither.

A. Me         B. I        C. He         D. Him

