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13. It is high time we ________ some effective measures to solve the job problem.

A. will take         B. have taken         C. had taken         D. took


12. Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days, ________ we’ve never heard of before.

A. it             B. that            C. one              D. this


11. Was it ________ she said or something she did ________ you were angry at so much?

A. what; which      B. what; that         C. that; which        D. that; what


10. - Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a skirt?

- Oh, she was very ________ about her clothes.

A. special          B. curious           C. particular         D. especial


9. In yesterday’s football game, our school football players performed well – they were in ________ of the ball most of the time.

A. favor            B. need             C. memory          D. possession


8. With the financial crisis ________ across the globe, a lot of companies have shut down and many people have been out of work.

A. to spread          B. spreading         C. being spread       D. having spread


7. The room is in a terrible mess; it ________ have been cleaned.

A. can’t           B. mustn’t          C. shouldn’t          D. wouldn’t


6. is a free site, ________ visitors can not just purchase almost all kinds of products but open their own online shops.

A. whose            B. which           C. what             D. where


5. - Did you watch the movie Mei Lanfang in the People’s Theatre last night?

- I had planned to, but it ________ hard all the time.

A. is raining          B. was raining        C. has rained         D. had rained


4. I won’t interrupt you, ________ something unexpected happens.

A. because          B. before            C. unless            D. while

