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35.     is known to us all is that the old writer, for     life  was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.

A. What; whom  B. As; whom  C. It; was D. What; whose


34.I was worried because he seemed to be getting    rather than better.

 A. bad   B. worse   C.  good   D. worst


33.It is common for people to offer you cigarettes in China, but you’d better think   before you accept a cigarette.

A. twice  B. perhaps  C. rather  D. forth


32.So little _________ speaking English that she couldn’t pass the oral exam.

A. Susan practised        B. did Susan practise  

C. practised Susan          D. was Susan pracised


31.She was standing exactly      you are standing now.

   A. that  B. which   C. where  D. what


30. ----_____ you got to know his address?

---- Through a friend of his.

A. How was it          B. What was it 

C. How was it that   D. What was it that


29. ----Why are you so angry?

----Jack failed to return my tennis bat on time again. He ___ his words.

A. is always eating     B. has always eaten

C. always eats        D. always ate


28. --Well, Dick, I’m so sorry but I have to leave.

  -- ______. I hope to hear from you soon.

  A. Enjoy yourself  B. Keep in touch  C. Don’t be so sad  D. So am I


27.----What about ________ book?

----It’s too difficult ________ book.

A. a; a       B. a; the   C. the; the   D. the; a


26. ----How long have Mr. White and his wife been married?

----It’s 8 years _________ they got married.

A. since     B. when    C. after    D. before

