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29. No matter how frequently _________, I always remember never to stop improving myself.

   A. praising     B. praised     C. to be praised   D. being praised


28. It is for this reason _______ you can' t wear a black jacket at the party.

A. why         B. that       C. which        D. how


27. --Baby, did you have a sound sleep last night?

  --No, never slept_______

A. badly        B. better      C. worse     D. well


26. --- Here' s the key to my car.

  --- Thanks, but I must know where you _________ it.

   A. will park     B. park     C. had parked     D. parked


25. Today the world is paying much more attention to, obviously, ______ China says and does.

   A. that       B. which      C. what        D. how


24.They live on a busy road.There ______ be a lot of noise from the traffic.

   A.must     B.may    C.would   D.could


23.-Can I ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself?

   -No problem.I like ______ when people are open and direct.

   A.that      B.this      C.it     D.them


22.-Do you have Mary's address?

   -Sorry, I don't have it ______ me at present.

   A.to       B.on        C.for      D.from

