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35. It is    he often fails in exam    makes his parents worried about him.

A. because; that   B. that; that    C. 不填; that   D. what; that


34. -I didn't know this was a one­way street, officer.


A. That's all right.          B. I don't believe you.

C. How dare you say that?     D. Sorry, but that's no excuse.


33. The Red Cross    a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Wenchuan.

A. administered  B. provided

C. attached  D. contributed


32. Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you can't see a person, they could be   .

A. everybody  B. somebody  C. anybody  D. nobody


31. -Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?

-But I    told anything about it.

A. wasn't  B. am not  C. haven't been  D. won't be


30. It is estimated that this investment can    $500,000 a year, which will excite us in such a global finance tsunami.

A. bring up   B. bring in  C. bring back  D. bring about


29. -Did you visit the famous museum?

-No. We    it, but we spent too much time shopping.

A. could have visited    B. must have visited

C. can't have visited    D. shouldn't have visited


28. Parents should not be led to    printed fairy tales as formal texts.

A. being treated   B. treating   C. treated   D. treat

