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35.--May I sit in the chair near the window?

    -- __    . The paint on it is wet.

    A.By no means     B.Help yourself    C.It depends      D.Never mind


34.The fire which happened in the CCTV’s new building has raised _   _ about the safety

of using fireworks in cities.

    A.attention      B.expectation     C.concern      D.standard


33.Life is too short to waste and too __    to give up.

    A.expensive     B.ordinary      C.fragile        D.precious


32.This house is big enough for us two __   , but we'll have to move if we have a baby.

    A.for a moment    B.in a moment    C.for the moment   D.on the moment


31.I don't think he could have done so much homework last night, _   _ ?

    A.do I         B.did he        C.has he       D.could he


30.The judge made the final decision after listening to the opinions of each party _   _.

    A.involved      B.to be involved    C.involving      D.having involved


29.The questions listed here are just a few problems that teenagers may __   .

    A.come to       B.come about     C.come across     D.come through


28.With oil price going down all the time, people _   _ to pay less for travelling.

    A.attempt         B.require       C.suppose     D.expect

