
 0  251187  251195  251201  251205  251211  251213  251217  251223  251225  251231  251237  251241  251243  251247  251253  251255  251261  251265  251267  251271  251273  251277  251279  251281  251282  251283  251285  251286  251287  251289  251291  251295  251297  251301  251303  251307  251313  251315  251321  251325  251327  251331  251337  251343  251345  251351  251355  251357  251363  251367  251373  251381  447348 

23. I can’t remember ______ made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier.

A.that it was what              B.what it was that  

    C.what was it that            D.that was it what


22. --- English has a large vocabulary, hasn’t it?

--- Yes.     more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

A.Know        B.Knowing      C.To know      D.Known




21. I heard you have     vacant position for a secretary. I’ve come to apply for _______ job.

A.the; a        B.a; the         C./; a           D.a; /


192. captain____193 nervous___ 194 thought ____ 195 unfair ___ 196 engaged ___

197 period ____198 cyclist ___199 production ___ 200 phrase  ____


187.allow ____188 certain ____ 189 garage  ____190 service ______191.rule ___


44.surprising _______45 salute ______46 secretary _______

47 protection ______ 48 technique______ 49 method ______50 remove ___

51 chalk __52 accent _____53 typical_____54 appreciate _____55 fortunately____

56 rude ______57 avoid _____58 vary _____59 occur _____60 educate _____

61 injury _____62 achievement _____ 63include _____64 shoulder ____

65 nation ____66 series_____ 67.interview ___ 68 scene _____69 loyal _____

70 ruin____ 71 introduction ___72 scare ____73 majority____ 74 southern_____

75 material ______ 76 south ____77 means___ 78 stare  ___79 measure  ____

80 suggestion ____81 motto ______82 tongue _____83 movie _____

84 natural _____85 tour _____86 nature _____87 unexpected ____88 naughty ____

89 variety___ 90 normal ____91 whisper ____92 official ____93 wolf ____

94 officer_____95 wonder ____96 perform ____97 portrait ___98 president ___

99 access ____100 ability____101 affair ______102 approach ____

103 architecture _____104 astronomer ____105 atmosphere___

106 bath __107 blanket ___108 blood ___109 board ___110 bury ___111 cheer ____

112 conquer ____113 convenient ____114 county____115 cure ___116 drown ____

117 experiment____118.explanation___ 119exactly___ 120 forecast ____121 foot ___

122 form ___123 furniture __124 ignore ____125 immediately _____126 inform ____

127 loose _____128 pollute _____129 purchase ____130 reform ____

131 reliable _____132 research ____133 retire ____134 route ___135 scientific____ 136 social ____137 source ____138 sweat ____139 theory _____140 threat ___

141 truthfully ____142 urban ____143 violence _____144 within ____

145 wound _____146 absolutely ____147 accept ___148 advance ___

149 ancient ____150 award _____151 athlete ____152 wool ___153 breast ____

154 breath ____155 brief ____156 character____ 157 complete___ 158 course ___

159 cruelty__ 160 deserted __161 desire _____

162 dial____ 163 disaster___ 164 effect___ 165 emergency ___166 emotion ___

167 expression  ____ 168 facial_____ 169 fault ____170 fond ____171 further ____

172 handsome ____173 host____ 174 honest ____175 Christmas _____

176 realize____177 employ ___ 178 regular ___179 prefer  _____

180 suddenly ___ 181smooth ___ 182 murmur ____183 torn ____

184 general ____ 185 purple _____186 area____


5.stomach ______6.scary______7 fever_____ 8 explanation _____

9 examnine______10.recognise ____11energy ____12.debt______  13 fuel_____  

14 precious _____ 15 diet _____16 author_____17 protein _____

18 application _____19.dairy _____20 charge ___21function ____ 22 prove_____

23 digest ____  24 doubt _____   25 stir _____26 view  ___27 theme _____ 

28 conclusion ______29 holy _____30 inspire ____31 conflict _____

32 threaten ________33 opinion _____34 regret _____35 honor_____

36 extreme_______37 ancestor ______38 pianist _____39 purpose ______

40 surround ______41faith _____42 surface _____43 commercial______


1.junk ______2.invitation_______3.food _______ 4.occasion ______



