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32.It's demanded that we   there on foot. A.not to go     B.don't go   C.not go     D.won't go


31.It will not be  we meet again. A.long before    B.before long   C.soon after   D.shortly after


30..It's the second time you  late this week. A.arrive      B.arrived    C.have arrived D.had arrived


29.I don't think  difficult for a Chinese student to master a foreign language within five years A.that       B.it      C.too     D.very


28.Which sentence is wrong? A.I felt it impossible for him to take the exam. B.I found it impossible that he might take the exam. C.I thought that he might not take the exam. D.In my opinion he might take the exam.


27.I don't know   makes her afraid of having her business discussed. A.what it is about Mary that       B.that is it abut Mary what C.what is it about Mary that       D.that is about Mary what


26.Nothing is wrong with the radio    ? A.isn't it    B.is that    C.is it    D.isn't that


25.-Did Li Lei call me while I was out?  -Yes, it was   that called you. A.him       B.he      C.who      D.whom


24.Has    been decided when we are to hold the sports-meeting? A.that       B.this    C.it       D.what


23.It is important   their offer. A.reject      B.rejects  C.to reject   D.rejecting

