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64. It was for this reason _________her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.

A. which       B. why          C. that     D. how


63. I feel it is your husband who_______ for the spoiled child.

A. is to blame                B. is going to blame 

C. is to be blamed              D. should blame


62. It is these poisonous products _______can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.

A. who        B. that          C. how      D. what


61. It was ____ I met Mr Green in Shanghai.

A. many years that             B. many years before  

C. many years ago that             D. many years when


60. Was it because he was ill ____ he asked for leave?

A. and             B. that               C. that’s       D. so


59. It was on October 1st ____ new China was founded.

A. which       B. when               C. as           D. that


58. It was in the rice fields ____ we had our league meeting.

A. where       B. that                C. in which       D. on which


19. ---- Won’t you have another try?           ---- ____. A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I won’t   C. Yes, I will have D. Yes, I won’t have 20. ---- I won’t do it any more.          

---- ____? A. Why don’t  B. Why don’t do it any more C. Why not  D. Why not do 21. ---- Do you think it will snow tomorrow?          

---- ____. A. No, I don’t think        B. I don’t think   

C. No, I don’t so          D. I don’t think so 22. ---- Will he fail in the exam?         

 ---- ____. A. Don’t hope to           B. Let’s hope not  

C. Not hope so            D. Let’s hope not to 23. ____ usual, I have forgotten something. A. As      B. As it is      C. It’s        D. That is 24. ____ she a man, she might be elected president. A. If      B. Unless      C. Was        D. Were 25. ____ I had time, I would have played it again. A. If      B. Unless       C. Had        D. When 26. ____ it rain tomorrow, I’d stay at home. A. Should    B. Would       C. When         D. If 27. I like sports and ____ my brother. A. so       B. so does     C. so is        D. so likes 28. Francis, ____ born in Kentucky, lived and practised law in Missouri. A. was      B. He was      C. who is       D. although 29. ---- Aren’t you the manager?         ---- No, and I ____. A. don’t want  B. don’t want to  C. don’t want to be  D. don’t 30. ---- Have you fed the dog?          

---- No, but ____. A. I am      B. I’m just going to C. I’m        D. I’m just going 31. Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard

- ____, you failed. A. in the end   B. after all      C. in other words   D. at the same time 32. How long ____ she would stay here? A. did she say   B. she said     C. did        D. / 33. ____ could do such thing? A. Whom do you think          B. Who do you think  

C. Do you think whom          D. Did you think who 34. John was ill. Have you heard about ____? A. this      B. he        C. it         D. the one 35. Hurry up! ____ getting darker and darker. A. The sky is   B. It’s       C. Weather is     D. Time is 36. It’s the third time ____ I have been here. A. that      B. when       C. after       D. who 37. It was simply for that reason ____ I wouldn’t tell him the truth. A. why       B. which      C. so         D. that 38. Was it in the place ____ the last emperor died? A. where      B. that       C. which       D. in which 39. ____ is no difference between A and B. A. It        B. Where       C. There       D. What 40. It ____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. A. was       B. were       C. are         D. had been 41. He said, “ ____ a long way to school. ____ a long way to go yet before we arrive.” A. It is, It is    B. There is, There is C. There is, It is  D. It is, There is 42. I don’t like ____ you speak to her. A. the way      B. the way in that   C. the way which    D. the way of which 43. If you go to Xi’an, you’ll find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly ____. A. supposing    B. suppose      C. to suppose     D. supposed 44. ____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There       B. This       C. That        D. It 45. It was about 600 years ago ____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. that       B. until       C. before       D. when 46. It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcast began. A. while      B. which       C. that        D. since 47. ---- Do you mind my taking this seat?    

 ---- ____.          

A. Yes, sit down please          B. No, of course not       

C. Yes, take it please           D. No, you can’t take it 48. ---- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? --- Not at all. ____. A. I’ve no time   B. I’d rather not  C. I’d like it  D. I’d be happy to 49. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _____. A. not to      B. not to do      C. not do it    D. do not to 50. It was not until she came to see us ____ her mother was ill in bed. A. when we knew    B. that did we knew  C. that we knew    D. that did we know 51. ---- This store has such high prices.       

---- I agree. Never again ____ here. A. I will shop   B. will I shop     C. I do shop   D. shop I 52. ____ was his kindness that everyone praised him. A. It        B. What         C. So       D. Such 53. ____, he would have passed the exam. A. If he were to study           B. If he studied hard

C. Had he studied hard           D. Should he study hard 54. ---- David has made great progress recently.

---- ____, and ____.   

A. So he has, so have you          B. So he has, so you have     

C. So has he, so have you          D. So has he, so you have 55. No sooner ____ they rushed out into the street.          

A. did they hear the news than        B. did they hear the news when

C. had they heard the news than       D. had they heard the news when 56. He was unable to make such progress, ____. A. hard as he tried             B. as hard he tried    

C. hard he has tried             D. tried hard as he 57. It was through Xiao Li ____ I got to know Xiao Wang.

A. who            B. whom              C. how          D. that


119. You've missed your ____, and you will have to wait for the next round.

A. chance           B. turn            C. time         D. part


1-5 CBDBB 6-10 DCACB 11-15 BBADC 16-20 DCBAA 21-25AAACD  26-30 BCABA  31-35 CCDCB  36-40 BAACC  41-45 DBBAB  46-50 BBDAC  51-55 CACAD 56-60 DAADC  61-65 CBDCA  66-70 DABAA 71-75 DABCC 76-80 BBCBB  81-85 BAABA  86-90 DDCAA 91-95 BBDBC  96-100 ABBDB 101-105 DADCD 106-110 ABBBC 111-115 BBACC 116-119 DBBB


118. - Do you have the time?

   - Sorry, I have no watch.

   - ____

A. What a shame!                B. Thanks anyway.

C. It doesn't matter.                D. Why not buy one?

