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68. __ on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is __ major concern of the country.

 A. The, /       B. The, a          C. An, the    D. An, /


67. When he left __ college, he got a job as __ reporter in a newspaper office.

 A. /, a        B. /, the          C. a, the     D. the, the


66. The most important thing about cotton in history is __ part that it played in __ Industrial Revolution.

 A. /, /        B. the, /          C. the, the    D. a, the


65. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made __ discovery which completely changed __ man’s understanding of color.

A. a, /         B. a, the          C. /, the     D. the, a


64. It is __ world of wonders, __ world where anything can happen.

 A. a, the        B. a, a           C. the, a    D. /, /


63. The Wilsons live in __ A – shaped house near the coast. It is __ 17th century cottage.

 A. the, /        B. an, the          C. /, the    D. an, a


62. Tom owns __ larger collection of __ books than any other student in our class.

 A. the, /        B. a, /           C. a, the     D. /, the


61. For a long time they walked without saying __ word. Jim was the first to break __ silence.

 A. the, a       B, a, the          C. a, /     D. the, /


60. There was __ time __ I hated to go to school.

 A. a, that       B. a, when          C. the, that   D. the, when


59. When you finish reading the book, you will have __ better understanding of __ life.

 A. a, the       B. the, a          C. /, the     D. a, /

