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77.________leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

A. Anyone       B. The person     C. Whoever     D. Who


75.What I'm considering now _________ the money we need.

A. is         B. are        C. were      D. was

you tell me __________

A. who is that gentleman          B. that gentleman is who

C. who that gentleman is          D. whom is that gentleman


74.The fact _______ she had not said anything surprised all of us.

A. which       B. what        C. that      D. how


73.We thought _______ strange that Tom did not come yesterday.

A. that        B. it        C. this      D. what


72.That is ______ Lu Xun once lived.

A. what        B. where       C. that      D. why


71.That is _______ he likes the place so much.

A. that        B. what       C. why       D. how


70.It looks _______ it were going to rain.

A. even if      B. as if       C. even though   D. like


69.The problem is ________will go to the meeting.

A. why        B. when       C. what      D. who


68.Three days later, word came ________our country had sent up another man-made satellite.

A. which       B. when        C. that      D. where


67._______team will win the match is a matter of public concern.

A. Which       B. That        C. If       D. How

