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47. I made the coat ____ my own hands. It was made ____ hand, not with a machine.

A. in; in       B.in; with           C. with; by      D. with; with


46. - Do you go there ____ bus?      - No, we go there ____ a train.

A. in; on      B.on;on            C.by;in         D.by; with


45. Many people are still ____ the habit of writing silly things ____ public places.

A.at;at       B.in;in            C.into;of           D.during;at


44. In Hangzhou Mr Green was so struck ____ the beauty of nature that he stayed ____ another night.

A.at;on          B.with;at         C.for;in         D.by;for


43. He is running ____ the wind towards the east of the station ____ Tom is running ____ the right.

A. down; and; on B. against; while; on     C.for;with;in   D. with; while; to


42. I don't think you can work out the maths problem ____ the teacher's help.

A. since           B. unless      C. because       D. without


41.My uncle lives ____ 105 Huanghe Street. His room is ____ the fifth floor.

A.at;on              B.at;at           C.on;in          D.of;to


40. Mr Wang went to Nanjing ____ October,1998 and came back home ____ the morning of Nov.5.

A.at;in              B.on;at           C.in;on          D.by;from


39. My father was disappointed ____ the news.

A. by              B. about     C. at         D. on


38. His teacher was angry ____ him ____ his being late.

A.at,with          B.at,for     C.with,for    D.with,about

