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35.Who do you think _____ for the failure of their marriage?

  A.to blame        B.to be blame     C.is to blame       D.is to be blamed


34.Mr Smith gave a notebook away to me. That’s ______ I need badly.

  A.which          B.what          C.why           D.how


33.He promised to come early, but he didn’t _____ until 10 p.m.

  A.turn down       B.turn off       C.turn in          D.turn up


32.----Would you please be so kind as to close the window?


  A.With pleasure     B.Go ahead      C.Yes, please       D.That’s OK


31.Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they _____ just be quiet people.

  A.must           B.may          C.should          D.would


30.So sudden _____ that the enemy had no time to escape.

  A.did the attack     B.the attack did   C.was the attack     D.the attack was


29.Mary and I see each other ______, but not as often as we used to.

  A.sooner or later    B.in a while      C.sometime        D.now and then

