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27.The attitude the E.U.Commission took towards Iraq’s output s top is     

   A.active         B.concerned      C.cold           D.surprised


26.Iraq made the decision to s top oil deliveries because   

   A.oil price is too low in international market

   B.the U.N.Secretary Council has decided to shorten the time of extension of the oil-for-food programme

   C.many oil wells were destroyed during the war in the late 1980s

   D.it couldn’t get enough money to develop its economy


25.We can infer from the passage that      

   A.China has settled the problem of Internet addiction

   B.Only juniors get addicted to the internet   

   C.Only parents are worried about the problem mostly

   D.No practical methods have been found to completely solve the Internet addiction


   Vienna-In spite of Iraq’s decision to s top oil deliveries,the 11-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)will not increase production to make up the shortfall.ministers decided Tuesday in Vienna.

   The l 1 oil ministers decided to meet again on July 3 to discuss the effects of the Iraq temporary s top.The organization's president,Charkid Kheria of Algeria,said after the meeting that s tocks were high and prices were stable,so quota(配额)increases were not necessary.

   The E.U.Commission has expressed concern about Iraq’s output stop.A speaker said OPEC had to take all possible measures to keep or lower the oil price.

   Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister Ali Al-Nuaimi had earlier said there would not be any shortfall of oil in the market.

   The organization had already taken steps to fill the gap,he said.OPEC Secretary General Ali Rodriguez added that the period of Iraq’s output s top was not known,so other exporters were not going to lift quotas yet.If the market was destabilized(使……动摇),a suitable response could be made.

  Iraq on Monday s topped shipments of crude oil to protest against the U.N.Security Council’s decision to extend the oil-for-food programme by only a month,instead of the normal six-month renewal.Just before the Vienna meeting,oil prices had gone up,with a barrel of OPEC crude oil selling for 27.05 dollars,up from 26.8 1 dollars last Friday. North Sea oil was at 29.26 dollars Monday evening.

  OPEC wants the oil price to stay within fl margin of 22 to 28 dollars and achieved that with cuts in January and March that reduced 2.5 million barrels per day off quotas.


24.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A.All the people agree that the treatment center should be built.

   B.It is estimated that there are two million Internet addicts in China.

   C.Many worried parents chose to send their children to Internet addiction treatment center.

   D.Some Internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online.


23.The underlined word“spurred”in the second paragraph means   

   A.forced        B.improved      C.prevented       D.inspired


22.According to the first paragraph,Xiao Yi killed himself because     

   A.he was unable to continue with his studies

   B.he thought he could play computer games in another world

   C.he thought he could meet the persons in another world

   D.he was in a puzzle about his homework


21.The best title of the passage may be     

   A.China opens addiction treatment centers

   B.China battles Web addiction

   C.China bans Internet cafes and game sites

   D.China designs to take teenagers away from the temptation of computers


19.A.died          B.got injured     C.recovered       D.got ill


18.A.As long as     B.As far as       C.Once           D.If

