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29.What can we conclude from Paragraph 4?

A.The media products are created with a purpose.

B.We should take media products as entertainment.

C.Messages in products do no good to customers.

D.We seldom take some information for granted.


28.The writer mentioned celebrity spokespersons to     .

A.point out the shortcomings of advertisements

B.call on us to think more about the product

C.warn us not to blindly copy popular stars

D.stress that they are to blame for misleading


27.What does the underlined word “tainted” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A.Popular.      B.Healthy.     C.Tasteless.      D.Harmful.


26.The author develops the passage mainly by      .

A.providing typical examples

B.following the natural time order

C.presenting a cause and analyzing its effects

D.comparing opinions from different scientists


During the recent milk crisis in China, different related parts of the society have been put under the microscope, including stars.

An online survey asked if celebrity spokespersons should bear responsibility for endorsing (代言) tainted milk products.Thirty?four percent answered “yes”.They said that the celebrities had betrayed the trust of the people and should be more morally responsible.

They are right.But what’s more important is that we should train ourselves to be wise enough not to blindly accept what is being sold, even by our favorite stars.

No doubt television advertisements, together with other media products, inform and entertain us.But, too often, there are hidden messages in the information we receive.The songs we hear, the images we see, and the articles we read, are carefully selected to convey political, cultural, economic and moral messages.The mass media delivers us these messages in an attempt to persuade us into believing or buying whatever is being pushed.

The question is: should we always believe what the advertisement or mass media says? The answer is that we should use our minds to dig out the hidden meaning and rely on our own judgment to make a choice.

In some countries, students take a course called “media literacy”.They learn to analyze the mass media.They are encouraged to challenge everything they see or hear and to do research into missing views.They learn to ask questions and to be critical (批判性的) thinkers.


25.From the passage, we know that     .

A.scientists completely understand the brain

B.people can only be born as geniuses

C.there’s no such thing as a true genius

D.there are many factors in being a genius


24.What would be the best way to describe Susan Polger’s special abilities?

A.Born.        B.Magical.      C.Developed.     D.Ridiculous.


23.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.New things about the brain are still being discovered.

B.People without natural abilities can learn to do things well.

C.Some people naturally have more active brains.

D.People are usually smarter when they recover from brain injury.


22.The author takes Marc Yu as an example to show that a child prodigy is     .

A.a person who learns something easily

B.a child who is eager to learn new things

C.a student who practices an instrument a lot

D.a kid who works hard to do well in school


21.My Brilliant Brains is most probably from _______.

A.a website       B.the radio       C.a magazine      D.a newspaper

