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I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she laughed."Even dummies(笨蛋) know that!"

I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  1  .After I told her everything, she said "No Santa Claus? Don't believe it.Now,  2  your coat, and let's go."

"Go? Go where?" I asked.

"Where"  3  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma  4  me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days."Take this money and buy something for  5  who needs it.I'll wait for you in the car."

The store seemed big and  6  , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas Shopping.For a few moments I just stood there,  7  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn't have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  8  .I would buy Bobbie a coat.

"Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the  9  asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down.

"Yes," I replied shyly."It's...for Bobbie."

The nice lady smiled at me.I didn't get any  10  , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

That evening, Grandma helped me  11  the coat and wrote, "To Bobby, From Santa Claus" on it.Then she  12   me over to Bobbie's house.

Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie's house, and she and I crept (爬)  13  and hid in the  14  .Then Grandma gave me a sign."All right, Santa Claus, get going."

I took a deep  15  , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we  16  breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it  17  , and there stood Bobbie.

Forty years haven't dimmed (使变暗淡) the thrill (强烈的兴奋) of those  18  spent shivering (颤抖) ,beside my grandma, in Bobbie's bushes. 19  , I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were  20  his team.

1.A.the reason       B.many things     C.stories         D.the truth

2.A.put on         B.put away       C.put up         D.put down

3.A.used           B.turned out       C.found out       D.turned up

4.A.lent           B.took           C.paid           D.handed

5.A.anyone         B.one           C.someone        D.anybody

6.A.crowded        B.varied         C.noisy          D.convenient

7.A.satisfied        B.confused        C.curious         D.amazed

8.A.worry         B.disappointment  C.happiness       D.excitement

9.A.counter        B.desk           C.shelf          D.goods

10.A.money         B.gifts           C.change         D.encouragement

11.A.make          B.wrap          C.undo          D.design

12.A.drove          B.took           C.led            D.asked

13.A.quickly        B.painfully       C.nervously       D.noiselessly

14.A.bushes         B.darkness        C.doorway        D.car

15.A.courage        B.look           C.step           D.breath

16.A.waited         B.whispered       C.crept          D.stood

17.A.came          B.sounded        C.did            D.appeared

18.A.moments       B.days           C.time           D.people

19.A.Today         B.That year       C.That night       D.Since then

20.A.on            B.for            C.at             D.of


Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties, courage and a spirit of independence can be more useful than crying for __1___! That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story of_2__ boy to man with family hardships tells us.

Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henan Province. When he was ___3___ 11, his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl. A year later, Hong’s mother and younger brother both __4__home because of poverty and pressure from his sick father.

Their burdens fell onto the 12-year-old’s shoulders: to treat his father’s illness, to ___5___ the adopted sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.

Hong didn’t _6___. Since a young age, he has worked in part-time jobs to feed his family. At the same time, he has studied at college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to__7__a room near his campus for her, and send her to school.

After Hong’s story went public, people were ___8___to tears by his unselfishness. Hard _9__ his life was, Hong didn’t abandon his father and the adopted __10__, because they needed his help. With his hard-won money, he even aided other students ___11__against misfortunes.

Today when many tend to worry more about their own happiness, Hong’s deeds ___12__ us of what we usually neglect: Love and care for others. Without these, ___13___ of us could survive.

Hong ___14__donations from others. He said that he felt encouraged by kind offers, but he could ___15__ his own work. Short of money to buy food, the boy climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his baby sister. He walked two hours at weekends to buy different things to ___16__ around his school to earn money. Through his hard life, the boy developed ___17___ against misfortune that made him a hero in people’s eyes.

Hong’s story shows that with love and willpower, no hardship can ___18__ a person but himself. So when facing difficulties, don’t __19__ about bad luck. Consider what more you could do for your family and society __20___ you’ll find the world smiling back.

1.     A. money       B. food        C. clothes      D. help

2.     A caring       B. growing      C. moving       D. turning

3.     A. only       B. already       C. ever        D. still

4.     A. stayed      B. went        C. sold        D. left

5.     A. bring up      B. turn to       C. stick to       D. devote to

6.     A. give away     B. give up       C. run out       D. turn down

7.     A. build       B. rent        C. but        D. paint

8.     A. encouraged    B. moved         C. inspired       D. made

9.     A. as        B. because       C. unless       D. while

10.   A. brother      B. daughter      C. sister        D. uncle

11.   A. struggling     B. learning      C. standing      D. turning

12.   A. left        B. remembered    C. reminded     D. told

13.   A. any one      B. every one     C. none        D. no one

14.   A. threw away    B. turned out      C. gave off      D.turned down

15.   A. depend on     B. stick to       C. refer to       D. turn to

16.   A. show       B. eat         C. sell        D. share

17.   A. a chance      B. an ability     C. a spirit      D. a belief

18.   A. bury       B. defeat       C. win        D. knock

19.   A. worry       B. care        C. complain      D. joke

20. A. and          B. when         C. while         D. until


   A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.  

On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book.  42, he raised his voice at his father and said. ” 43 all your money you give me a book?” And rushed out of the house  44  the book in the study 

He did not contact(联系)his father for a whole year  45  one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He  46  he bad to go back home and see his father.  

When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 47   the hospital. he  saw on the desk the  48   new book , just as he had left it one  49  ago. He opened it and began to  50  the pages. Suddenly, a car key  51  from an envelope taped behind the book. It had a lag(标签)with dealer’s name, the  52  dealer who had the sports car he had 53 . On the tag was the 54 of his graduation. and the 55  PAID IN FULL. 

36.A. expected.         B. enjoyed.          C. admired.          D. owned 

37 A. finding         B. proving         C. deciding         D. knowing 

38. A. afford.          B. offer          C. keep           D. like 

39. A. encouraged.       B. comfortable       C. proud.           D. moved 

40. A. Nervous        B. Serious         C. Careful          D. Curious 

41. A. packed.          B. opened.         C. picked up         D. put aside 

42. A. Angrily         B. Eagerly         C. Calmly          D. Anxiously

43.A. At            B. From          C. With           D. To 

44 A. toasting         B. putting        C. forgetting        D. leaving 

45 A. until           B. as           C. before          D. unless 

46 A. learned .          B. realized.          C. recognized.        D. admitted 

47 A. get to          B. search for        C. turn to         D. leave for 

48 A. much           B. still           C. hardly          D. quite 

49 A. year           B. month         C. week           D. day 

50 A. clean            B. read.           C. turn           D. count 

51 A. lost            B. came         C. appeared.          D. dropped 

52 A. old.            B. same         C. special          D. new 

53 A. remembered.       B. desired.           C. found.            D. met

54. A. Picture       B. place          C. date          D. met 

55. A. word.        B. information      C. date          D. card 


15.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    A.Ducks on the northern end of a row would keep their eye facing the south open.

    B.Ducks with less sense of duty usually choose to stay in the center of a row.

    C.Ducks with one eye open at the edge can still enjoy a certain degree of sleep.

    D.A video tape recorder was the only electronic device used in the experiment.


14.How many ducks were used in the experiment?

    A.Four.         B.Eight.        C.Twelve.       D.Sixteen.


13.Ducks at the end of each row sleep with one eye open because   .

    A.they are looking for food        

    B.they want to enjoy the scenery

    C.they are watching out for danger  

    D.they are unique in their sleeping habit


12.A predator is most likely to be    .

    A.an animal that hunts ,kills and eats other animals

    B.a human being who looks after and feeds ducks

    C.a scientist who does research work on animals

    D.an animal that is likely to be friends with ducks

